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If you don’t prevent it, Dropbox could be sharing your personal files with ChatGPT

Artificial intelligence is already part of our lives, and yet it is already being included as standard in most of the services and applications that we have been using for many years.

Something as innocent as including new features artificial intelligence to these services, it can end up becoming something that threatens our privacy, as is happening with Dropbox.

AND Dropbox has enabled artificial intelligence functions in its payment plans that, among other things, allow us to summarize documents or answer specific questions about our files.

However, to get smart chatbot functionality on Dropbox, the service is using OpenAI technology, but in exchange to share certain user data or documents.

Dropbox comments in its help section that this OpenAI chatbot functionality is activated by default for those residing outside the European Economic Area.

If you are from Europe, perhaps you have activated this functionality out of curiosity, but you should know that it is not completely free, given that you are sharing certain data.

how to turn off AI help in Dropbox

Luckily, we can disable the use of artificial intelligence in our Dropbox account.

Simply click on your user icon located at the top of the interface, go to settings, and the “Third-party AI” tab should appear inside. Use the switch to turn off the option.

Given the commotion caused, Drew HoustonCEO of Dropbox, wanted to clarify that this transfer of data only occurs when the user actively interacts with the functions offered by OpenAI.

“Third-party AI services are only used when customers actively interact with Dropbox’s AI features, which are clearly labeled,” he clarifies.

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