
Don’t be bitter on the day of the 2023 Christmas Lottery: “the perfect breeding ground for cybercrime”

With the Extraordinary Christmas Draw 2023 just a few days away to distribute all your money, the atmosphere could not be one of greater excitement and happiness, especially for those who see their number on television announcing that they have won a juicy prize.

Having this as a basis and emotions on the surface in many cases, The truth is that Spain is currently a candy for cybercriminals and scams. According to Josep Albors, director of research and awareness at ESET Spain, cybercriminals usually initiate their attacks mainly through fraudulent emails.

These messages impersonate some lottery-related entity, requesting email confirmations linked to users’ accounts. Through different tactics, they trick users into revealing sensitive information such as emails, ID and passwords.

Once obtained, you are lost, since these credentials are exposed, and the user’s security is totally compromised.

“The writing and visual elements of these emails have been significantly improved, making them more credible at first glance. These practices, which do not require a high technical level, are still effective and we are seeing how they continue to be a common resource and even increase over time,” they comment from ESET Spain.

Furthermore, “now, tickets are no longer only purchased from physical administrations, but also through the Internet, where many resort to save a few hours of waiting. With the entry into the game of the online scenario, there are several cyber threats to that we face in this period,” explain Raquel Puebla and Itxaso Reboleiro, cyber intelligence analysts at Innotec Security Part of Accenture.

“They are the perfect breeding ground for the rise of cybercrime”: five tips to protect yourself

  1. Email verification: Before opening any email related to this day, verifying its authenticity is key. Given the ability of cybercriminals to imitate official communications, all caution falls short.
  2. Avoid clicking on suspicious links: when faced with emails that request confirmations or personal data, it is advisable to avoid clicking on these types of links. As advice, you should go directly to the official lottery website or even make a call if you are not entirely sure.
  3. Password Strengthening and Two-Factor Authentication: Strengthening the security of accounts associated with the lottery through strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication will give you much-needed additional protection.
  4. Updates and patches software: keep the software Updated with the latest versions and security patches is essential, as is always emphasized at any time, to close possible gaps that cybercriminals could take advantage of.
  5. Continuous awareness: finally, this type of articles or press releases, such as those discussed by ESET Spain or Innotec Security, serve to educate users about the most used cybercrime tactics.

“The Christmas Lottery, with all its magic and excitement, should not be obscured by the latent threat of cybercriminals. We urge everyone to take the necessary precautions and remain alert to these possible threats, putting these recommendations into practice. The protection of personal information and the preservation of online integrity are shared responsibilities that, with awareness and preparation, can ensure a smooth Christmas celebration,” adds Josep Albors.

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