
NPC, CEO, KPI, SEO and other Internet acronyms that almost no one understands

Abbreviations, acronyms and acronyms are ways to express complex concepts in a brief and simple way. However, they are not always clear to everyone.

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That’s why, It is convenient to know what they mean and in what context they are usedespecially if they are related to the workplace and you can find them in your daily life.

Some of the most common are CEO, HTML or VPN, but there are many others that you may not know about and that you should learn to be more informed.

Acronyms are a type of abbreviation that are formed with the initials of several words and are pronounced as one, for example, SCUBAwhich actually means autonomous diving system.

It is no surprise that digitalization is a phenomenon that transforms the way we communicate. In this context, New expressions and abbreviations emerge that are incorporated into everyday languagebut they are not always easy to learn.

In this article, we explain the meaning of some of those Internet acronyms that are often used, but you may not know what they mean.

The meaning of Internet acronyms

What do the acronyms and acronyms that we use and see every day on the web mean? Letter Solver He set out to find out and conducted extensive research on the most searched terms on Google.

The words formed by initials were grouped into several relevant categories: dating, video games, business and technology. This way, you can easily check the meaning of those acronyms that appear on the Internet or in the media.

Video game

The largest network selling cheats for video games is arrested in China, with 76 million and several luxury cars

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  • NPC: Non-Playable Character (Non-Playable Character)
  • AFK: Absent from Keyboard (Away From Keyboard)
  • MVP: Most valuable Player (Most Valuable Player)
  • MMO: Massively Multiplayer Online (Massively Multiplayer Online)
  • RPG: Role playing game (Role-Playing Game)
  • HDR: High Dynamic Range (High Dynamic Range)
  • MMORPG: Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game)
  • GLHF: Good Luck, Have Fun (Good Luck Have Fun)
  • AoE: Area of ​​Effect (Area of ​​Effect)
  • DLC: Downloadable Content (Downloadable Content)


dating app

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  • FWB: Friends with benefits (Friends With Benefits)
  • ASL: Age, Sex, Location (Age Sex Location)
  • ENM: Ethically Non-Monogamous (Ethically Non-Monogamous)
  • DTF: Willing to have fun (Down to Frolic)
  • PDA: Public Display of Affection (Public Display of Affection)
  • bdsm: Bondage, Domination, Sadism, Masochism (Bondage Domination Sadism Masochism)
  • IRL: In real life (In Real Life)
  • BAE: Before Anyone Else (Before Anyone Else)
  • GGG: Good, Generous and Willing (Good, Giving, and Game)
  • ILY: I love you (I Love You)

Business and business world

Security for companies
  • KPIs: Key Performance Indicator (Key Performance Indicator).
  • WFH: Work from home (Work From Home).
  • ROI: Return on Investment (Return On Investment)
  • CEO: Executive Director (Chief Executive Officer).
  • ETFs: Exchange Traded Funds (Exchange Traded Funds).
  • CFO: CFO (Chief Financial Officer).
  • B2B: Business to Business (Business to Business).
  • CPA: Certified public accountant (Certified Public Accountant).
  • CO.O.: Director of operations (Chief Operating Officer).
  • SME: Small and medium businesses (Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises).


20 technology news to start the morning informed of the latest
  • API: Application Programming Interface (Application Programming Interface).
  • CRM: Customer Relationship Management (Customer Relationship Management).
  • VPN: Virtual Private Network (Virtual Private Network).
  • SaaS: Software as a Service (Software As A Service).
  • SEO: Search Engine Optimization (Search Engine Optimization).
  • CPU: Central processing unit (Central Processing Unit).
  • UGC: User Generated Content (User-generated Content).
  • IP: Internet Protocol (internet protocol).
  • AI: Artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence).
  • IoT: Internet of Things (Internet of Things).

Acronyms or acronyms are a way to simplify language and transmit information quickly and effectively. However, it is not always easy to know what they mean or how to use them correctly.

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