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Don’t fall for: the new scam that promises you gifts in the name of this telephone operator

Although scams have been around forever, the rise of technology has caused them to spread to the unthinkable in recent years. The authorities themselves usually warn users of flagrant cases of identity theft to attempt deception by posing as well-known companies that they impersonate.

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One of the last of them, without going any further, pretends to be one of the most used telephone operators in Spain and, promising a fictitious gift, they try to keep your money. We will tell you what it consists of so that you do not get upset if you receive an email from him.

Vodafone gifts

Many telephone operators carry out promotions and offers with which they try to retain their customers or attract new ones. A hook that cybercriminals also use, but with a very different objective: to scam you so that, in their name, you fall into an elaborate case of phishing.

As usually happens in these situations, scammers present themselves as if they were a reputable company, this time Vodafone, to fraudulently inform you that you have the chance to win a gift in exchange for carrying out a survey. To do this, they use the attraction of being able to get free gifts such as samsung or iPhone phones or discount vouchers.

To generate greater pressure on potential victims, the message itself ensures that you must hurry up to answer the questions asked, or else the opportunity will no longer be available and will be passed on to another “lucky” client. In the end, This type of deception always tries the same thing: that you act quickly so that you don’t think about how strange it is..

In an attempt to generate more credibility, of course, they not only use the Vodafone logo, but a message that has a very professional appearance and reproduces the type of structure and typography that are also usually used in many similar authentic commercial emails.

how to detect this scam

On the contrary, the elaborate design of the message that passes itself off as an offer from Vodafone contrasts with other errors that show that it is a scam. In this case, in the way in which the text of the false promotion is written, and that has expressions that are poorly structured when they do not practically make no grammatical sense.

In any case, the best way not to fall for this type of scam is to always be suspicious when someone requests your information online, especially if it is a banking information, or asks you to make a deposit, no matter how minimal, to a number. of certain account. Even to carry out a transaction, it is always preferable that you be the one to contact.

In this specific case, the users themselves have reported the case of phishing on social networks, which has led Vodafone to rush to confirm that, in fact, they have nothing to do with it. The authorities always recommend sharing and warning about these scams.

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