
Nvidia launches its “version of ChatGPT” to create improved GPUs and chips at the speed of light

The artificial intelligence sector continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace and leading technology companies like Nvidia are always keeping an eye on how they can contribute their small, but big grain of sand to the industry and be part of the change.

In this context, Nvidia has developed ChipNeMo, an AI system designed to accelerate the production of its graphics processing units, GPUswhich are the key pieces in the field of AI.

This initiative comes at a time when demand for GPUs is increasing, and companies are looking to ensure they have hardware that is up to the task to power AI projects as is currently the case with OpenAI.

This is something that was discussed a few months ago, but the truth is that for Nvidia the birth of tools like ChatGPT represents a bottomless pit of benefits. OpenAI has been using around 25,000 Nvidia GPUs for some time to power their current servers and they know that this will only grow given the demand. In response to precisely these needs, ChipNeMo was born..

This is ChipNeMo, Nvidia’s version of ChatGPT to create GPUs

The chip design process, especially GPU design, is really complex and requires great technical knowledge. Traditionally, building a chip involves the collaboration of experts who must understand how different parts of the design process interact.

This is where ChipNeMo comes into play: Using an advanced language model, trained with Nvidia’s own data, this AI can offer assistance in various aspects of chip design, from architecture to code generation. It is, so to speak, the ChatGPT for Nvidia chip creation.

The first preliminary results of this system seem promising. Since its presentation, it has proven to be useful in helping engineers in training and simplifying documentation in work teams.

Although it is still early to say 100% that its impact will be key in the speed of chip production, this first step makes it clear that Nvidia is going all out and is not afraid of innovation if that goes hand in hand with a great optimization of its internal processes to meet market demands.

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