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OnePlus has launched a site to create music with AI: how to use it to win coupons

OnePlus she confirmed herself as queen of the hype: after anticipating the launch of a product dedicated to music, making all fans think it was a speaker, the Chinese brand launched a site to create music with artificial intelligence.

The tool, called AI Music Studiois a fun site that anyone can use to create lyrics, music And video accompanying using a prompt and an initial configuration (still in development), and for the launch OnePlus has started a competition to win coupons to use on its store. We see how does it work and how participate in it.

To use AI Music Studio you must go to the project website and register by clicking on the item Sign in (doesn’t seem to work with OnePlus account, unfortunately). Enter your email, name and password and you will receive a confirmation OTP code to your email address.

Now you can get started: select a type, one mood it’s a theme for the video and click on Proceed down.

Subsequently, insert a theme for the music, but you will have to write in English (if you write in Italian it will create a song without music) and you must put the words right, which takes some practice. For example, if you write “a lonely man in a big city“, will tell you that the prompt is against their rules and you will have to start over.

If you put something vague and simple, like “gazing at the stars“, that’s fine, but you have to work with it a little. Click on Generate down and the tool will generate two verses. If you don’t like them you can click on Regenerate, while if you are satisfied click on Proceed down.

Not always the composer will generate the lyrics, and in this case it will produce a song without music (this happened to us by entering the prompt “looking out of the window of a running car”).

The composer will create music, videos it’s a title in a few moments (for us it was Starry Delight) and you can listen to it and download it.

The result? The sentence is yours. In our opinion, the text it’s not bad, there music rather banal and the video cute, and you can download your creation and share it with friends. From what can be understood, OnePlus used Amazon Web Services’ music creation platform (AI Music Composer), and created this tool to get people talking and jumping on the AI ​​bandwagon, but it’s still a fun way to pass the time.

At this point you will be interested in knowing how to win coupons. At the bottom you see a red button, Publish, which is needed to participate in the competition. According to the regulations, the competition is open to all users OnePlus and you can share as many songs as you want (but only one will win you a prize) by December 17th 2023 at 9.30 pm Italian time.

Winners will be judged based on creativity, originality, attention to detail and overall artistic merit.

The voting decision on the site is final and binding, and the best ones will be selected trending song artists of each region. The 100 best creations from India, the 100 best from North America and the 100 best proposals from Europe.

All winners will receive coupon which they can use to redeem products on the OnePlus website.

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