
Open Fiber announces new municipalities bound in FTTH or FWA fiber that were not previously

Continuing with the goal of bringing the ultra-wide band even in less densely populated areas (the so-called White Areas), Open Fiber just released a coverage update, with 113 new ones Common bound in FTTH or FWA which were not before (by the way, discover the best fiber offers).

The project is stimulated by Ultra-Broadband Plan (BUL) of the Government financed with Pnrr funds, and Open Fiber has also introduced innovations to the PCN (Neutral Delivery Point), retying them or moving them to another location. This entails the possibility of activating new ones Common, which were previously attested on unbound PCNs, in Open Stream national (read also: Aruba fiber coverage).

What does it mean? When Open Fiber, a company owned (jointly) by Cassa Depositi e Prestiticonnects a municipality to its infrastructure, installs a PCN, which is necessary for access to telecommunications operators who will then sell the services to end customers.

All the devices are connected to the PCN elements downstream used to carry the ultra-broadband connection to subscribers, both in FTTH and FWA (Fixed Wireless Access)the system that involves the use of a mixed network made up partly of a wired fiber optic network and partly of a wireless network.

However, we remind you that although the binding of PCN in theory it involves activation in Open Streamit doesn’t actually automatically mean that the area is covered by the fiber, as coverage checks may be necessary for each attack.

In practice you have to take this data with a certain amount of caution as it may not be 100% reliable and it may take some days before Open Fiber or your operator operating in the white areas indicate availability: if so, check again.

Also it is possible that in some Common – already covered – there are areas a partial coverage and therefore attested on other PCNs that cross the border, so it is possible that already bound Municipalities appear in these lists.

Having clarified this point, here is the list of the new Municipalities, 66 in FTTH e 47 in FWA.

New Municipalities in FTTH

  • Ambivere (Bergamo)
  • Andrate (Turin)
  • Antignano (Asti)
  • Antwerp of the Abruzzi (L’Aquila)
  • Barbara (Ancona)
  • Bizzarone (Como)
  • Bobbio Pellice (Turin)
  • Borgo San Giacomo (Brescia)
  • Burolo (Turin)
  • Casanova Lerrone (Savona)
  • Cascinette d’Ivrea (Turin)
  • Castel Rozzone (Bergamo)
  • Castelleone di Suasa (Ancona)
  • Celle Enomondo (Asti)
  • Chiampo (Vicenza)
  • Chiaverano (Turin)
  • Chignolo d’Isola (Bergamo)
  • Città di Castello (Perugia)
  • Diano D’Alba (Cuneo)
  • Entracque (Cuneo)
  • Faggeto Lario (Como)
  • Filottrano (Ancona)
  • Forno Canavese (Turin)
  • Frasso Sabino (Rieti)
  • Fucecchio (Florence)
  • Garlenda (Savona)
  • Gradara (Pesaro and Urbino)
  • Gradoli (Viterbo)
  • Gurro (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola)
  • Imola (Bologna)
  • Legnaro (Padua)
  • Lombardore (Turin)
  • Lurano (Bergamo)
  • Montaquila (Isernia)
  • Monte San Pietrangeli (Fermo)
  • Montefalcone di Val Fortore (Benevento)
  • Montenero Val Cocchiara (Isernia)
  • Monticelli d’Ongina (Piacenza)
  • Morbello (Alessandria)
  • Mulazzano (Lodi)
  • Nomaglio (Turin)
  • Orzinuovi (Brescia)
  • Perosa Canavese (Turin)
  • Piacenza d’Adige (Padua)
  • Pognana Lario (Como)
  • Polverara (Padua)
  • Pontelongo (Padua)
  • Pontida (Bergamo)
  • Pratiglione (Turin)
  • Revigliasco D’Asti (Asti)
  • Rivarossa (Turin)
  • Ronchi Valsugana (Trento)
  • Rossiglione (Genoa)
  • Santa Maria Nuova (Ancona)
  • Sarconi (Potenza)
  • Serra de’ Conti (Ancona)
  • Serralunga d’Alba (Cuneo)
  • Sesto Campano (Isernia)
  • Stazzema (Lucca)
  • Torcegno (Trento)
  • St. Patrick’s Tower (Fermo)
  • Torreano (Udine)
  • Vicolungo (Novara)
  • Villachiara (Brescia)
  • Villar Pellice (Turin)
  • Villas of Fiemme (Trento)

New Municipalities in FWA

  • Andrate (Turin)
  • Badia Polesine (Rovigo)
  • Barbara (Ancona)
  • Borgofranco d’Ivrea (Turin)
  • Campo Ligure (Genoa)
  • Cascinette d’Ivrea (Turin)
  • Castelbaldo (Padua)
  • Castelleone di Suasa (Ancona)
  • Castelnuovo di Farfa (Rieti)
  • Castelvetro Piacentino (Piacenza)
  • Chiaverano (Turin)
  • Corinaldo (Ancona)
  • Entracque (Cuneo)
  • Gradoli (Viterbo)
  • Gurro (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola)
  • Lendinara (Rovigo)
  • Lessolo (Turin)
  • Masi (Padua)
  • Megliadino San Vitale (Padua)
  • Merlara (Padua)
  • Mesola (Ferrara)
  • Montalto Dora (Turin)
  • Montaquila (Isernia)
  • Monteleone Sabino (Rieti)
  • Monteroduni (Isernia)
  • Monticelli d’Ongina (Piacenza)
  • Nomaglio (Turin)
  • Ostra (Ancona)
  • Ostra Vetere (Ancona)
  • Piacenza d’Adige (Padua)
  • Poggio Moiano (Rieti)
  • Ponso (Padua)
  • Porto Tolle (Rovigo)
  • Porto Viro (Rovigo)
  • Pozzilli (Isernia)
  • Quassolo (Turin)
  • Quincinetto (Turin)
  • Rossiglione (Genoa)
  • Sant’Urbano (Padua)
  • Scandriglia (Rieti)
  • Sesto ed Uniti (Cremona)
  • Settimo Vittone (Turin)
  • Spinadesco (Cremona)
  • Po cut (Rovigo)
  • Tavagnasco (Turin)
  • Valdieri (Cuneo)
  • Vighizzolo d’Este (Padua)
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