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PagoPA and App IO are a success: let’s find out how much they are used by citizens

In recent years, the public administrationthanks to the stimulus from AgID (Agency for Digital Italy) has finally embraced digital, both in terms of payments that for communications (do you know how to pay PagoPA without commissions?).

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This is why PagoPA e IO Appto manage the payments and communications with i public servicesand in recent days the data relating to the use of these platforms have been published.

PagoPA numbers: 1 billion transactions

Let’s start from PagoPA, which he recorded in 2023 alone 48 million unique usersincluding 42.3 million physical users and 5.7 million legal users.

From 2016 to today, there have been overall transactions a billion in favor of approximately 21,900 institutions participating in the platform, but the acceleration occurred in the period from 2020 to 2023, with over 900 million transactions and an average annual increase of 40%.

But it didn’t end here. The company also reveals that the average amount is 202 euros per operationand the distribution of payments.

The 32% of the total is in favor of Utility sectorfor 22% towards Central Public Administrationsfor 19% to the ACI, for the 19% towards the Municipalities, while 5% towards the sectors Instruction (School 3%, University 2%) and 3% for Healthcare.

The report also notes a marked acceleration of digitalisation for payments to local administrationswho benefited from Pnrr funds and in three years, from 2020 to 2023, went from 9.4 million of transactions for Tari, fines and school services in ben 43.2 million (+46%).

The same phenomenon also affected the Regions, albeit to a less obvious extent, which have passed from 5.4 million of transactions in 2020 to 8.1 million of 2023 (+11%).

As for the public service managers, the increase is even more impressive, almost vertical. To date, PagoPA has over 1,100 managers, and if in 2020 there were 5.8 million transactions, in 2023 they rose to 131 million (+118%).

One of the most impacted sectors is that of Health, which has passed since approx 1.1 million transactions of 2020 to approximately 11.8 million in 2023 (+79%), and the greater growth occurred in the last year (+38%), thanks to the introduction at the beginning of 2023 of the possibility of paying health copays at the pharmacy.

Per App IO 500 million messages

Passing to the IO Appthe public services app, has seen a steady increase in entities who adopted it as communication channel towards citizens.

In fact, from April 2020 to today, over 501 million messages have been sent via the app, integrated into over 272,000 services for more than 15,600 entities.

The app is in fact increasingly installed on our smartphones: there are over 36 million installations on smartphones and tablets, and the app has a monthly average of over 4 million active users in 2023 alone.

But what was communicated via IO? Over 70% concern communications between administrations and citizens, such as the outcome of a administrative processthe announcement of a new service available, of a promoted initiative from the institution, or the reminder for a expiration.

As regards the type of messages, the messages generic in three years they have increased by 35%while those of payment they recorded a +49%.

The report also highlights the entities who make greater use of IO.

The lion’s share is played by the Central PAs, who in three years have sent the 75% of the total messages. This is followed by the ACI with 9%, the Municipalities with 7% and the companies in the Utility sector with 5%.

For all there is a notable increase year on year, with i Common that record the increase more significant from 2022, a good +34% for sending payment messages, a figure in line with the greater adoption of IO Apps by many local entities.

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