
Pessimists Archive, the news website that reflects society’s fears that turned out to be false: Will the same happen with AI?

The world’s population currently lives in an era where technology is advancing, perhaps too quickly for what many are accustomed or willing to accept or understand, and artificial intelligence is at the center of this technological hurricane.

But, the truth is that the issue is not going to go the way you think: Have you wondered if the fears hovering around AI are really new?

To answer this question, it’s time to delve deeper into the world of Pessimists Archive. This project is dedicated to unearthing and documenting historical critiques of technological innovations, revealing that fears around technology have always been the norm.

From fears about radio in the 1930s to concerns about artificial intelligence today, it seems that skepticism has been a faithful companion to innovation.


“Some myths and misunderstandings have contributed to an often distorted public perception of what AI can and cannot do, which in turn can influence public policy, technology investment, and the adoption of AI systems in the community.” industry and society. It is crucial to educate the public and decision makers about the realities of AI to encourage its responsible and effective use,” explains Josué Pérez Suay, specialist in Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT, in an interview for Computer Hoy.

This website collects news about technologies or advances that historically were thought to end humanity.

Before returning to the topic of artificial intelligence and, with the aim that you really see the great dramas of the population with respect to new technologies over the years, here are some examples:

  1. The arrival of radio: In the 1930s, it was feared that radio would isolate people and distance them from social interaction. Today, some express similar fears about WhatsApp and its impact on face-to-face communication.
  2. The rise of television: When it became popular, concerns arose about its influence on education and waste of time.
  3. The social impact of social media: Concerns about the effect of social media on mental health and privacy are quite similar to previous concerns about radio and television.
News history


Another clear example is given by the expert interviewed: “In its beginnings, the telephone was viewed with mistrust and fear due to its potential to invade privacy and change the way people communicated. However, over time, it became an essential tool for personal and business communication, at a point in 2023, which is almost essential.”

The same thing happened with vaccines: “Despite initial resistance and fears about their safety and effectiveness, vaccines have become one of the most powerful tools to prevent disease and save lives,” he explains.



So, will artificial intelligence become another unrealistic fear provoked by the media and society or is it a real fear?

Researching in depth this fun and well-worked website, One of the recurring fears you can find in the Pessimists Archive is concern about automation and job loss at a general level.. Artificial intelligence is not the first to be pointed out as the villain that steals jobs, since the industrial revolution also experienced similar criticism.

However, what is interesting is how History shows that automation has generally led to the creation of new types of work. Despite this, the fear continues.

Today, much of the concern around AI centers precisely on the fear that machines will surpass human intelligence, creating too much drama about job losses and a lack of human control. However, Pessimists Archive reminds you that these concerns are an echo of the past.

“AI, like previous technologies such as the automobile or electricity in its infancy, is often misunderstood by the general public. This leads to unfounded or exaggerated fears about its capabilities and effects,” comments the expert.

It is true that You can’t just dismiss all fears around AI as paranoia.. Pessimists Archive also shows that security and privacy, for example, are critical areas that have always been of great concern.

“While previous technologies were tools under direct human control, AI raises unique questions about the autonomy of machines and the degree to which humans should, or can, control them. It has the ability to influence decision-making on a scale and with a subtlety that was not possible with previous technologies. This raises unique concerns about transparency and accountability,” says Josué Pérez Suay.

Despite all this, and although it is essential to solve these problems around AI, It must also be recognized that technology has proven to be a driver of progress over the centuries..
Now that AI is on everyone’s lips, we must learn from history and consider how to address its potential dangers in a constructive way.

Being so pessimistic can help to question, debate and regulate technology, it is true, but we must also remember that technological innovation naturally generates fear, hence the term “innovation” or “new”, but it has been and continues to be an engine of change and improvement in society.

“Historically, new technologies have transformed the labor market, not only eliminating certain jobs but also creating new ones such as premium artificial intelligence custom agent programmer. With AI, we are likely to see a similar pattern. The skills required in the workforce will evolve, and there will be a growing demand for skills related to the management, supervision and complementation of AI systems,” comments the expert.

“Each new technology has required a regulatory framework adapted to its specificities. With AI, it is essential to develop policies and regulations that balance innovation and security, while protecting individual rights and promoting the ethical use of technology” , ends.

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