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The National Police warns: if you receive this email from them, it is not a scam

If you are a regular reader of this portal, you will know that we frequently report on different threats to your security. There are many scams that, through popular phishing, take advantage of technology, social networks and new technologies to carry out identity theft.

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That is, cybercriminals pose as organizations such as the Post Office or the Civil Guard to try to get your hands on your data (banking, most of the time). So much so, that nowThe National Police itself has been forced to warn that there is a new message, that they themselves are sharing, and if it is true.

The National Police email is real

Cybersecurity experts usually warn that you should not believe the vast majority of messages that you receive, regardless of their name, without checking them first. Whether it’s SMS messages, comments on social networks or even a contact you have on WhatsApp. And something similar happens with emails.

This time, however, there is an email that the National Police is sharing with citizens, and that is authentic. They themselves have shared it on their official social media profiles. Basically, This is a notice informing users that they can renew their DNI certificates.. A common process, but one that has aroused the suspicions of some.

One of the problems with identity theft and phishing lies precisely in that: that despite the many deceptions that are suffered, emails like this one, which are not a scam, tend to end up in the trash more frequently than they end up in the institutions. they would like to.

Luckily, there are some ways to distinguish when it is an authentic message from a false one, no matter how much the Police themselves get tired of reminding that, If in doubt, it is best to contact the author of the message yourself.before entering any type of link I suspect or, even more so, providing your data.

how to distinguish an authentic message from a scam?


It must be taken into account, first of all, that many messages that are scams are really careful. In some cases, even They carry out portals and websites so elaborate that they really look very similar to the official ones.and that practically only experts could distinguish from the authentic ones, after a thorough study.

But there is a radical difference between this authentic email from the National Police and the scams: This time there is no link that attempts to take you anywhere for fraudulent purposes.

It’s practically an informational email, so to speak. You can also see that it has good spelling and a credible presentation.

Of course, the latter, as we already said, is never a guarantee of anything nowadays. The best thing that can be done about it? If in doubt, be the one to take the initiative when communicating, especially when you are asked to share certain sensitive data, whether banking or personal data of some kind.

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