
Projectors: 5 things you should keep in mind before setting up your home theater

If you are reading this article, you may be wondering whether or not to install a projector at home. Nowadays there are many ways to enjoy movies, and sometimes it can be difficult to choose between a good television with all its advantages and a projector.

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For the average person, it can be difficult to combine both things, whether for reasons of economy or even space in your home. So, let’s see What you have to take into account before deciding to install a projector at homeand thus discover if it is the best alternative for what you have in mind.

Is a projector or a television better?

cross tour

It is possible that the best option on the market, when it comes to simulating the sensations experienced in the cinema, is to install a projector. In that sense, most moviegoers are betting on it.

However, Installing a projector also requires more dedication than plugging in a regular television. For starters, you may need more space, and it’s not so immediate in how it works. Perhaps to answer this question you should ask yourself another: do you watch more television or movies? Depending on your answer, you should consider one alternative or another.

Pay attention to lighting

portable projectors


To get the most out of any projector, it is important to take lighting into account. After all, you are simulating a movie theater, and the softer the lighting, the better.

This is something that you should value a lot, for example, depending on who you live with. If you do it as a couple and your better half is also passionate about cinema, there will be no problem. If, on the other hand, you have children or live with family, the situation may be somewhat more complicated. In too much light, the projector loses some of its charm.

Where to place the projector

Projectors: these are the 5 things you should take into account before installing a “cinema” at home

One of the most common doubts before installing a projector is deciding where to place it. There are many different models, but It is common to hang it from the ceiling to save space. It is not necessary, but keep in mind that the projector must be at the same height as the screen.

It is also important to have a living room or room that has enough space for the projection to be recommended.

Is a screen needed?

Projectors: these are the 5 things you should take into account before installing a “cinema” at home

Most of the time projectors require a screen to get the most out of them. This, of course, also requires extra planning, and enough space to hang it in the living room or wherever you are going to put it.

But there is also a practical alternative: a white wall. If you are lucky enough to have one, and of course it is empty, you can save the supplement and project directly onto it.

Assess the budget

Projectors: these are the 5 things you should take into account before installing a “cinema” at home

It is not easy to determine which costs more money, a projector or a current television. It all depends on the models of one or the other that you are considering purchasing. A large, modern Smart TV can be a high investment, and the price of projectors has dropped.

But in the case of the latter, also You must count on extra expenses: installation (especially if it is done by a professional), speakers if you are looking for quality sound, the screen…

In short, having a projector at home is now more common than before, which could be considered a complete eccentricity. There are many interesting models on the market.

But in the end you have the last word, your passion for cinema, the type of house you have, the company or the time you have to dedicate to leisure.

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