
Who will take control of Apple after the departure of Tim Cook? These are the main candidates to lead the apple company

Tim Cook is not eternal and, at some point, he will have to leave his position as CEO at apple. He himself confirmed to Dua Lipa in an interview that there are “very detailed succession plans” to choose possible candidates to take over from him as leader of the company.

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During Cook’s 12 years in office, The Cupertino company has achieved great milestones, such as reaching a total valuation of $3 billion or getting Apple to land in the Chinese market, leading sales in mobile phones and tablets.

Furthermore, in the Cook era, Apple has launched iconic products, such as AirPods or Apple watch, although it has also been marked by subscription services such as iCloud, Apple TV+ or Apple Music.

“I never dreamed of being CEO of Apple. It was even beyond what I had dreamed of for my life,” Cook reflected during the interview. “But it happened, and I want to make sure it happens to other people too.”

History of Apple: from a garage to being the leading technological company with the highest stock market value

For now, The CEO has assured that there are very detailed succession plans, as usually happens in most companies. Although in this case with several possible candidates to relieve Cook.

These are the possible candidates to succeed Tim Cook as CEO of Apple:

  • Craig Federighi
  • Greg Joswiak
  • Eddy Cue
  • Katherine Adams
  • Deirdre O’Brien
  • Jeff Williams
  • Luca Maestri
  • John Ternus

Craig Federighi


Craig Federighi could be one of the favorites to succeed Cook in the position, as he also often plays an important role in Apple presentations as senior vice president of software engineering.

Since his arrival at Apple in 2009, he has managed to launch different versions of mobile and desktop operating systems. On his team, are responsible for carrying out macOS and iOSthat is, everything you can see between the user interface or applications.

Therefore, he may be one of the most valued options to succeed him in office.

Greg ‘Joz’ Joswiak

Greg Joz Joswiak Apple


Joswiak is one of the people who has been at Apple the longest. Since his entry in June 1986, she has held particularly relevant positions, helping to develop product launches such as the original iPod and the iPhone.

Long before, the manager had worked on the first Macintosh computers.

Although it is a less technological profile and more aimed at marketing, we already know what Apple presentations are like, with all their spectacle, so it is likely that Joswiak could succeed Cook.

Eddy Cue

Eddy Cue vice president of Apple services


Cue is another of the oldest of the apple company; He joined in 1989, just 3 years after Joswiak, and played a huge role in the creation of Apple’s online store in 1998.

Later, he continued to specialize in the company’s portfolio of services, with launches such as the iTunes Store in 2003 or the App Store in 2008.

With Apple TV+ and other latest services, If the apple company decides to bet even more on servicesCue could be one of the most likely candidates for succession.

Jeff Williams

Jeff Williams Apple


Williams is Apple’s global chief operating officer and is responsible for leading the company’s famed design team, one of its most important. As if that were not enough, he is also passionate about medical research.

From 2010, is responsible for directing global operations for absolutely all products. In addition, he has an impeccable career, having moved to IBM in 1985 and finally landing at Apple in 1998.

Katherine Adams

Katherine Adams Apple


She is the first female Apple executive on the list, although fortunately not the only one. Adams leads the legal team, an area that is increasingly important in the face of new regulations, such as the European Union’s artificial intelligence regulation.

It is responsible for supervising everything that has to do with good corporate governance, intellectual property rights or privacy.

However, he joined Apple in 2017, making him also one of the directives that later came to the company.

Luca Maestri

Luca Maestri Apple


Another of Apple’s most important pillars is Luca Maestri, the financial director, also one of the last to arrive at the company, in 2013. Furthermore, His profile is one of the most technical, since he is in charge of supervising accounting.

Before moving to Apple, he was at GM and nokia, assuming the leadership of both financial teams in these multinationals.

Deirdre O’Brien

Deirdre O'Brien Apple


O’Brien is another of the veterans, with more than 30 years of experience, and was in charge of managing the People team, later moving to the Retail Trade Department, with the opening of the first stores in 2001.

Although his position may be one of the most unnoticed, handles the crucial task of helping Apple customers discover its products and services.

She is the only female executive at Apple along with Adams.

John Ternus

John Ternus Apple


Since 2013, Ternus has been in charge of directing any section related to the hardware of any Apple device, from AirPods to Macs. Although his first position began in 2001 as a product designer.

In the last times, has overseen work related to new products, such as the latest iPhone or iPad.

At the moment, Apple has not shared details about the succession of Tim Cook and everything seems to indicate that nothing is clear, since it will depend on the course that the company wants to take after the departure of the current CEO.

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