
Rabona Mobile will be an international operator from January 2024: here are the Rabona Connect global eSIMs

Since yesterday, December 22ndthe virtual operator Rabona Mobile has made it official that from 2 January 2024 International communication services will be launched, starting with the offering of eSIM and global connection packages under the brand “Rabona Connect”.

Going into details, the rates will be as follows: Basic 1 Giga for 7 days for 4 euros; Standard 3 GB for 30 days for 9.50 euros; Premium 5 Giga for 30 days for 14 euros; Performance 10 Giga for 30 days at 23.50 euros; TOP Performance 20 Giga for 30 days for 32.50 euros.

However, beyond this good news, the inefficiencies for the operator’s users persist. For example, the ability to send text messages as well as use the data connection and make calls was gradually denied. This was all caused by a dispute between Vodafone and Plintron: the first is the network provider, the second is the aggregator of the virtual operator. Pending a resolution of the dispute, operators can only use the following services: incoming calls and always incoming SMS.

Finally, for those who don’t know yet, Rabona Mobile also has a second brand known as “Hello!?!”. In this case, the SIMs, although aesthetically different, are always from the operator in question. Users of this second brand, however, have also been affected by the above problems.

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