
Digital radio officially arrives in Spain: RNE premieres on DAB+ this week

Spanish radio still lives in an outdated analogue universe. But it seems that digital radio is finally officially starting, with the premiere of Radio Nacional de España (RNE) in DAB+ format, on February 13.

The DAB+ format is the digital radio standard, the equivalent of DTT on television, but applied to radio.

The traditional radio is analog, since it is retransmitted by electromagnetic waves that must be tuned depending on their frequency. Of course, it is digitized to be transmitted over the Internet, but Current digital radio only works through a mobile connection, WiFi, fiber, etc..

The DAB+ format is transmitted over the air, in the same way as traditional radio, but transmits digital information. The advantages are very numerous: the audio quality is much higher, there are fewer gaps in the sound, new channels can be entered, channels can be searched by name, not by frequency, and In addition to audio, it is possible to transmit text and images.

The delay of digital radio in Spain

The DAB+ format is not new. In many countries it has been used since 2007. It has not officially arrived in Spain because it represents a large investment for the large radio stations, and until three or four years ago there were hardly any DAB+ tuners.

Everything changed from 2020, when the European Union released regulations so that new cars include a DBA+ compatible radio as standard. Thanks to that, more than 3 million drivers can now listen to digital radio in Spain, right in the place where radio is listened to the most: in the car.

There is already a fleet of DAB+ radios large enough for the change to be profitable.

For some time now we have been able to tune into various “unofficial” DAB+ broadcasts, such as HolaDAB. This has made the large chains react, such as RTVE, which announces the premiere of RNE in DAB+ format for this Tuesday, February 13.

RTVE has not specified which channels on the platform will be broadcast on DAB+, and whether or not it will cover the entire national territory. We will have to wait for the official presentation on Tuesday.

It has been difficult, but digital radio is finally starting to take off in Spain, officially, with RNE DAB+. A necessary change to adapt this medium to modern technology, as happened at the time with DTT.

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