
The reason why you should get rid of this morning habit if you don’t want to suffer from headaches

Mornings, and specifically the hard moment in which one has to get out of bed, are one of the most determining moments of the day. That is, depending on what you do at the beginning of the day, this will greatly determine your routine from now on. Even details like stopping the alarm clock and lazily “five more minutes” can have their consequences.

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In fact, many social media experts and communicators have frequently focused on handing out different tips to, in some way, improve your day. Some, in fact, place their emphasis on a morning habit that many people practice and that you should get rid of, or else you could suffer from headaches.

Be careful with your cell phone in the morning

That there are many people who spend hours and hours a day glued to their mobile phone is a reality that we all know and that no one can doubt. But, it seems, there are some times that are better to throw away the phone than others. And, as some experts point out, the first hour of the morning does not seem exactly one of the most advisable times.

According to Dr. Jane Bowring, quite popular on the social network TikTok for some time now, Taking a look at your cell phone as soon as you open your eyes can even have health problems.. In his opinion, this practice usually reduces the energy of the metabolism, so to speak, and ends up causing headaches. Even more so if you are sleepy.

Why does this phenomenon occur? If we pay attention to the doctor’s words, the explanation would be simple: Exposure to the mobile phone when our body has just woken up causes it to suffer “overstimulation”. Basically because it increases dopamine levels, which greatly activates both the mind and the nervous system.

In addition, the doctor assures that the electric and magnetic fields (EMF) of your phone also sometimes generate a decompensation in the body’s magnesium, which would explain the headaches that, according to her, could occur as a reaction natural.

The cell phone, out of bed

Although many times the advice or recommendations published on TikTok seem to reach more people than through any other means, it is not the first time that some type of specialist warns of the risks that mobile screens can pose when one is in bed. . Whether first thing or last thing.

In this case, Jane Brown has talked about the risks of looking at your cell phone as soon as you open one eye, but something similar happens, in the opposite direction, at night. It is often said that pay attention to illuminated phone screens before going to bed (or worse still, when you are already in bed), it can be harmfull.

That is, its lighting would generate episodes of insomnia in many people, or problems falling asleep, due to alterations in circadian rhythms.

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