
Ready to relive your musical 2023? Here comes YouTube Music

We have almost entered the last month of this 2023, and therefore we are moving towards end of the year. And then come the parties, the laid tables and the inevitable recaps, replays and wrappeds from the various streaming services we use every day.

After seeing that of Spotify and Apple Music, YouTube Music also arrives with its own Recap 2023. We’re talking about custom summaries for each user of the musical history of the year, which collect all the musical contents most listened to by each single user during the year.

And then YouTube Music is also ready to help you relive your musical 2023. As you can see from the screenshots in the gallerywhat has been defined Your Recap is available within the stories section of the app. By accessing it it will be possible to scroll through the five most listened to artists, consulting the hours listened to, the number of songs and the longest listening series.

In short, it is a series of personalized statistics that show how your musical year went.

But the novelty compared to last year’s summaries consists in the cover image of each single Recap, which is created by combining the cover images of the most listened to songs.

The statistics shown will be categorized by musical genre, but will also be proposed in a final summary section. Like previous years, we also find integration with Google Photos to associate moods with musical content.

The playlist for the 2023 Recap has not yet been widely distributed on YouTube Music, but we expect it to arrive within the next few days on the Android app And iOS.

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