
Do you receive calls with the prefix +39? Be careful, it could be a scam and this is how you can protect yourself

Nowadays, where scams usually arrive through emails and social networks, cybercriminals have found new ways to commit their illicit acts. One of the newest tactics is phone calls with international prefixes.

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It should be noted that in recent months, many people have reported receiving calls with the prefix +39. Although it may seem like a simple mistake, in many cases, it is a sophisticated scam, since it is a number that corresponds to Italy.

Scammers use VoIP technology to make calls with prefixes from other countries, which allows them to carry out their tricks without having to physically be in the country in question.

The +39 telephone prefix becomes an attractive tool for scammers, since Italy, recognized for its tourist attraction, lends itself as a perfect target. Criminals use this prefix to appear to be recognized entities, thus increasing the probability of success in their deception.

The reason you receive calls with the prefix +39


You can receive phone calls with the prefix +39 for many reasons. The most obvious is because you have made a purchase or reservation on a website in Italy, so they are simply contacting you to confirm your order or reservation.

But many times this is not the case, and you may be falling victim to one of the many tactics scammers carry out to steal user data. They usually use a series of techniques to deceive, such as the following:

  • Fake prize scams: They contact victims to inform them that they have won a prize or drawing. To receive it, they request personal information, which they then use to commit bank fraud.
  • Identity Theft: Through phone calls, they try to obtain information such as your address, full name, age, passwords, and then use it to steal identities.
  • Investment scams: They pose as financial advisors and try to convince their victims to trust them with their savings. However, scammers do not invest the money in any business, but rather steal it and disappear.
  • Tech Support Scams: Under the pretext of being employees of software companies, scammers trick people into allowing them to access their computers remotely. Thus, they can access valuable information or install malware.

This is how you can protect yourself from scammers who call from the prefix +39

To avoid falling into the traps of telephone scams, but sespecially with the +39 prefix in Italy, it is vital that you do not take calls that you do not recognize. If you don’t know who is calling you, it is better to ignore the call.

If out of curiosity or by mistake you answer an unknown number, do not share any personal information, such as your name, address or telephone number. You can also choose to install an app that filters spam calls, Truecaller is a good option.

By being alert and taking preventative measures, you can protect yourself against potential international +39 phone scams and many others.

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