
The meter rule that could significantly improve the speed of your WiFi connection at home

There is no doubt, the WiFi router is one of the most important elements of any home, without it you would not have an Internet connection and in this way you would not be able to access the most popular services. For this reason, Ensuring its correct operation is crucial to maintain connectivity in optimal conditions.

However, for it to work perfectly most of the time, it is essential to strategically position the router to ensure unobstructed signal distribution throughout all areas of the home.

It should be noted that the location of the router has a considerable influence on the speed and quality of the connection. Placing it in the wrong location can result in a decrease or even a complete loss of signal.

Fortunately, there are several practical tips and tricks you can implement in your home to improve your WiFi connection. And the best of all is that you don’t need to buy a new router; With a few simple adjustments, you can experience a noticeable improvement in your Internet speed.

The trick of a meter to speed up the signal of your WiFi router

From Virgin Media share three tips that could significantly increase your connection speed without the need to make additional expenses. To do this, you just have to apply the meter rule.

But what does this rule consist of? Well, this rule is very easy to follow, since, as its name suggests, you must place your router at least one meter from objects that could interfere with the signal.

It consists of maintaining this distance between the router and other electronic devices, such as wireless speakers, Smart TVs, cordless phones, microwave ovens, and any other appliance.

It is important to mention that all of these devices emit their own wireless signals that in one way or another can alter the operation of your WiFi.

By keeping the router at an appropriate distance from other devices, in this case one meter, you ensure that your Internet speed improves and is distributed equally throughout the homeavoiding interference that could degrade the quality of the connection.

Experts recommend not putting the router behind the television, much less next to mirrors, windows or inside furniture, this is not a good idea.

It is best to place it in an area free of objects and obstacles so that the signal can flow freely. Always You can apply the meter rule so that your WiFi is stable at all times and offer all its speed without interruptions.

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