
Christmas rescheduling for Vodafone: increases of 2 euros per month for some customers

We are approaching the holiday period heartfelt of the year, at least for most of us. And as we get closer to Christmas we start to think about gifts and offers. Unfortunately, there also has to be room for a few remodulation by the operators.

The remodulations we are referring to are the unilateral modifications of contracts which some operators almost periodically apply for their customers. This time we’re talking about Vodafone, the red operator that has started to warn some of its customers of the upcoming remodulation.

The remodeling just announced by Vodafone actually consists of one second wave of the remodulation communicated in mid-November. This modification to the contract provides that all customers involved will suffer a increase of 1.99 euros per month on the monthly rate of their offer.

At the moment it is not clear what exactly are all the deals involved, as reported by Mondomobileweb these should be Vodafone customers who have both active a mobile offer that one of fixed line.

Reports indicate that some of those who have active the system will certainly be involved Vodafone Family+ New from 9.99 euros per month with 10 Giga.

It is not excluded however, some customers who have this offer active are not involved in the remodulation, because perhaps they have activated the offer recently. Definitely, everyone involved they will have to receive a communication in this regard by Vodafone. This would be the text of the SMS that the operator is sending to warn those who will be affected:

Contract modification: given the changed economic and market conditions, from renewal after 01/13/2024 the cost of your offer increases by 1.99 euros per month. Withdrawal or change of operator without penalties or costs by 12/02/2024 with causal modification of contractual conditions via registered letter with return receipt, certified e-mail, on or in Vodafone stores. More details on 42590.

For this remodeling It doesn’t even seem to be there any compensation foreseen by the operator, such as the addition of data traffic or other extra options, as sometimes happens for those who undergo remodulations by Vodafone.

As always it is guaranteed in these cases, all those involved in the remodulations will have the right to exercise the right of withdrawal at no cost within 60 days from receipt of the communication.

The right of withdrawal may be exercised filling out the form with your request on, nei Vodafone storessending a recommended a / R to Vodafone Customer Service, PO Box 190 – 10015 Ivrea (TO), by writing via PEC to [email protected] or by calling Customer Service on 190attaching a copy of your identity document and clearly indicating the service for which you wish to exercise the right of withdrawal and the reason for “modification of the contractual conditions”.


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