
Sony reveals how many PS5s it has sold so far: PS4 did better

Important announcement from Sony regarding its famous PS5 console. The Japanese company, in fact, declared that having sold 50 million of this console since its launch, which took place towards the end of 2020. In particular, this data reveals another: Sony, between the lines, confirmed the increase in sales of the PS5 given that only a July announced the milestone of 40 million units.

In this sense, the greater availability of the PS5 had a positive impact. Therefore, it seems that the difficulties related to supply which in recent months have led to a lower availability of consoles on store shelves have been overcome. In any case, Jim Ryanpresident and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, said: “We’re grateful to all of our players who have joined the PS5 journey so far, and we’re thrilled that this is the first holiday season since launch that we have a full supply of PS5 consoles, so anyone looking to purchase one can be accommodated.” .

As for comparisons with the past, Sony sold 50 million units of the PS5, a week later than the PS4. However, this is certainly an important fact, as highlighted by the Financial Times. Specifically, the data of Ampere Analysis highlighted that PlayStation sales grew by 65% ​​(22.5 million units this year), surpassing sales of Switch and Xbox, which decreased by 18% and 15% respectively. All of this suggests that Sony is on track to meet its goal of shipping 25 million consoles by March 2024.

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