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Spain prefixes: how to know which province they are calling you from

Perhaps it has ever happened to you that an unknown number calls you and you don’t know where it is coming from or who is on the other end. In Spain, each province has its own prefixa code that you must enter to contact a number that corresponds to that area.

According to the Government’s National Numbering Plan, in the country, Telephone prefixes reveal information about the origin of calls. For example, mobile numbers usually start with 6 and, in some cases, 7.

In addition, fixed numbers, on the other hand, began with 9, but due to the scarcity of combinations, some communities have adopted 8.

It should be noted that on landlines, the second digit indicates the province of origin, which allows you to know the location of the person who dialed your cell phone. So, if you’ve ever wondered who’s calling you and where they’re calling from, you just have to look at the prefix.

The prefixes of Spain: what they are and how they work


The prefixes of Spain are the numbers that identify the province or autonomous community of landlines. They are used to call from a landline to another landline, and are placed before the seven-digit number.

The price of these calls is the same throughout the national territory and are usually included in the flat rates.. The best-known prefixes are 91 for Madrid and 93 for Barcelona.

Spain prefixes

On the other hand, cell phones do not have a prefixthis means that they call you directly with the nine-digit number.

Knowing where they are calling you from can be crucial, which is why here we share a list of the prefixes of Spain of all provinces and autonomous communities:

  • Alava (Basque Country): 945 / 845
  • Albacete (Castilla-La Mancha): 967 / 867
  • Alicante (Valencian Community): 965 and 966 / 865
  • Almeria (Andalusia): 950 / 850
  • Asturias (Asturias): 984 and 985 / 884
  • Avila (Castilla y León): 920 / 820
  • Badajoz (Extremadura): 924 / 824
  • Barcelona (Catalonia): 93 / 83
  • Burgos (Castilla y León): 947 / 847
  • Caceres (Extremadura): 927 / 827
  • Cadiz (Andalusia): 956 / 856
  • Cantabria (Cantabria): 942 / 842
  • Castellon (Valencian Community): 964 / 864
  • Real city (Castilla-La Mancha): 926 / 826
  • Cordova (Andalusia): 957 / 857
  • Basin (Castilla-La Mancha): 969 / 869
  • Girona (Catalonia): 972 / 872
  • Grenade (Andalusia): 958 / 858
  • Guadalajara (Castilla-La Mancha): 949 / 849
  • Guipuzcoa (Basque Country): 943 / 843
  • Huelva (Andalusia): 959 / 859
  • Huesca (Aragon): 974 / 874
  • Balearics (Balearic Islands): 971 / 871
  • Jaen (Andalusia): 953 / 853
  • La Coruna (Galicia): 981 / 881
  • The Rioja (La Rioja): 941 / 841
  • The Palms (Canary Islands): 928 / 828
  • Lion (Castilla y León): 987 / 887
  • Lleida (Catalonia): 973 / 873
  • lugo (Galicia): 982 / 882
  • Madrid (Madrid): 91 / 81
  • Malaga (Andalusia): 951 and 952 / 851
  • Melilla: 95
  • Murcia (Murcia): 968 / 868
  • Navarre (Navarra): 948 / 848
  • Orense (Galicia): 988 / 888
  • Palencia (Castilla y León): 979 / 879
  • Pontevedra (Galicia): 986 / 886
  • Salamanca (Castilla y León): 923 / 823
  • Segovia (Castilla y León): 921 / 821
  • Seville (Andalusia): 954 and 955 / 854
  • Soria (Castilla y León): 975 / 875
  • Tarragona (Catalonia): 977 / 877
  • Tenerife (Canary Islands): 922 / 822
  • Teruel (Aragon): 978 / 878
  • Toledo (Castilla-La Mancha): 925 / 825
  • Valencia (Valencian Community): 960, 961, 962 and 963 / 860
  • Valladolid (Castilla y León): 983 / 883
  • Biscay (Basque Country): 944 and 946 / 846
  • Zamora (Castilla y León): 980 / 880
  • Saragossa (Aragon): 976 / 876

Knowing the prefixes of Spain goes beyond avoiding uncomfortable situations. It is the key to effectively connecting with other people. Remember that dialing the wrong prefix can lead to a misunderstanding.

This is especially true if calling from or to another country, where different rates may apply. Dialing correctly will not only save you frustration, but also unnecessary charges.

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