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Strava launches into messaging: private messages are arriving

There are now many users who rely on their smart devices to monitor themselves during sporting activities, and this happens at both an amateur and professional level.

Among the main apps that allow a complete monitoring of all the parameters of interest during training or a competition we find Strava. The platform offers the possibility of monitoring many types of sports training, and over the years it has also arrived on smartwatches and smartbands, after having built its success mainly on smartphones.

And precisely speaking of Strava there are some important news. This time it’s not news that concerns training monitoring but rather a functionality that has the objective of increase interactions between users within Strava. They officially arrive private messages on Strava.

Yes, you understood correctly. Strava has just announced that the chat with which all users can communicate with each otherexactly as happens on social platforms.

The possibility of exchanging arrives private messages and to organize gods chat groups in which multiple users can communicate with each other. Everything is obviously aimed at sporting activities. In fact, Strava reports that on the new messaging platform it will also be possible to use messages additional featureshow to encourage each other about a path you have just undertaken, customizing chat groups and sharing activities and paths.

In short, it is a platform designed for those who want to interact with other users with same sporting interestslimiting itself precisely to conversation in the sporting field, without the need to start a conversation outside of all this, perhaps exchanging social contacts or the number to contact each other on WhatsApp.

And the choice of Strava certainly makes sense, it won’t be the messaging revolution, also because for that there are giants who have already been competing with each other for years, but an excellent solution for those who want to play sports and interact with other athletes without going any further.

The new feature should already be available to all those who have updated the app to version 335. The release should have taken place for the Android app and the iOS one.

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