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Take a step back in time with this online Macintosh emulator

Who doesn’t remember the good old days Macintosh and when the need to 1 MB of RAM or a hard disk Was it considered madness? Well now you can relive them directly in a browsers, regardless of whether you are a user Windows, Mac or Linux (do you know how to see battery cycles on a MacBook?).

Leonardo Russo has in fact created an online emulator for System 7Apple’s second longest-running operating system and the last with that naming scheme before switching to MacOS (yes, Mac OS, for macOS you have to wait another 26 years).

Introduced in 1991, System 7 did not introduce huge changes compared to System 6but it was the first version that could no longer be usefully run on systems floppies only. This meant that a hard diskand although the majority Macintosh sold at the time included it as standard equipmentowners of older models had to upgrade their hardware by purchasing a new Mac or external SCSI hard drive if they wanted to run System 7.

Which was certainly not appreciated, just as the eldest was not appreciated RAM requestwhich went from 600 KB in System 6 to well over 1 MB in System 7.

However, the system lasted for years, and accompanied users in the transition between the processor and the series Motorola 68000 to the PowerPC, and only in 1997, after being renamed Mac OS 7 (System version 7.6) was it replaced by Mac OS 8.

Now this fragment of history can be in your hands thanks to the project, free And open sourceby Russo, who published an emulator System 7.0.1 based on the open source emulator Mini vMac.

When you open the website, the emulator will greet you with a short screen and MIDI sound, during which it will download a 6MB disk image. Then you will arrive in front of the system and will be able to navigate in the interface as if you were in the hands of a Macintosh from 1991, with the standard apps integrated.

You can find the project website, hosted on GitHub, at this address.

Leonardo Russo

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