
Maybe having a TV in the bedroom is not a good idea, and this is why

Nowadays it is very common to have several televisions in the same home. Among other things, so that each member of the family or house can watch whatever they want on it, or use it to play the console or whatever.

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That is why it is also quite common to have one in the bedroom. A seemingly comfortable idea, but it has its drawbacks.

The logical thing is that if you have one in your bedroom, you use it. And if you think a little deeper, There are some common recommendations, which sometimes go beyond the sleep qualityto think twice. Do you want to know them? Well, we explain them to you in detail.

Why not have a television in the bedroom?

The first thing to keep in mind, in any case, does have to do with rest. Or in this specific case, with the deprivation of it. Watching TV before bed can interfere with sleep quality. The light emitted by the television screen can suppress the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle.

This is very similar to the reason why it is often advised not to use your mobile phone before going to bed. Of course, it also depends a lot on what program you watch. If the content has a certain intensity, so to speak, it can increase the stressthe anxiety or the stimulation of your mind itself, which is not conducive to a good night’s rest.

In the same way, having a television in the bedroom can add its grain of sand if you suffer from insomnia. If you have trouble falling asleep, as happens to so many people, TV can be a temptation to entertain you. And, although there are people who get sleepy, especially if they are especially tired, the opposite usually happens.

Based on the fact that the main function of a bedroom is to stimulate rest, everything that makes it more welcoming and designed for relaxation is more convenient than include technological devices that, in some cases, can even encourage you to stay up late more than you should. Those “five more minutes of TV” can ultimately take away hours of sleep.

Television and personal relationships

What is the cinema mode on your television for and why should you use it?

As we mentioned before, the inconveniences of having a television in the bedroom can go beyond pure rest. For example, if you share a bed with your partner, the fact that one of you wants to sleep and the other stays awake watching television (perhaps at different times) can end up causing arguments or confrontations between the two of you.

Nor should we forget that the presence of a television in the bedroom can distract from important activities such as intimacy with your partner.quiet reading or meditation, which are more recommended before going to sleep.

Instead of creating a relaxing and serene environment, the TV can become the main focus of attention, making it difficult to disconnect.

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