
The 5 things you should do to prevent your job from being replaced by an AI

The future may always be uncertain, but there is no doubt that advances in artificial intelligence promise more than ever to turn everything upside down.

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To what extent will technological progress and AI affect your world of work? Many experts have given their opinion on the matter, at the moment without being at all clear about what will happen. There is no unanimity.

But with everything, There are some tricks that, when viewed in perspective, can help ensure that your work is not replaced by artificial intelligence.. As they say, you always need to renew yourself, and now more than ever.

Get noticed at work

According to media billionaire Elon Musk, “artificial intelligence will create a world without jobs.” It is difficult to know whether the tycoon is right or not, but one of the best ways to try to avoid it is to Standing out in meetings and building strong relationships with clients will be key to keeping them engaged.

For what reason? Because, despite everything, the truth is that people will prefer to deal with other human beings than with artificial tools. Also when it comes to accountability when something goes wrong, of course.

Take advantage of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence

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If you can not beat them, join him. This wise saying can be perfectly applied to current events linked to the progress of artificial intelligence. If you look at it with perspective, Artificial intelligence is a tool that can enhance your skills and abilities, not replace them.

As many experts point out, proposals like ChatGPT should be combined with human work, not replace it. At least, for now…

Focus on what AI can’t do

The international community agrees: these are threats of artificial intelligence for humanity

Artificial intelligence is, today, capable of doing many tasks, but not others. As much as it sometimes seems like it, This technology is incapable of reasoning, of having ingenuity, with all that that entails, also in the world of work.

Develop communication, collaboration and leadership skills, as these cannot currently be replicated by artificial intelligence. Lack of judgment and critical thinking skills mean that AI cannot make decisions, especially complex ones.

Show your worth

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It may be tempting for some managers to replace some of the “human” tasks that are typically performed with an AI. That is why it is important that, whenever you have the opportunity, you show that it is not the best path to follow.

The decision makingespecially in soft skills, is an area where generative AI software cannot compete with human beings.

Adapt to changes

laptop work


Unlike artificial intelligence, Human beings have an innate ability to adapt to unforeseen situations and learn from new experiences.

Cognitive flexibility, resilience and the ability to face the unknown are aspects in which AI still lags behind, since its operation is based on previous data and established patterns, which can be wrong.

Taking all these elements into account, there are more chances that artificial intelligence will not replace you in your job in the future. Elon Musk is not always right.

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