
The 7 programming languages ​​that you should know and that will succeed in 2024

For those who are fans of the world of programming or who simply dedicate themselves and work with these tools, they must always be up to date in terms of knowledge and never stop innovating and learning programming languages ​​if you do not want to be left behind.

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This is a field that is constantly changing, with new languages ​​being born, others falling out of use, or even renewals and updates that allow some to emerge from the forgotten drawer.

Considering that 2024 is just around the corner, Perhaps you are interested in knowing which programming languages ​​will predictably succeed next year.

This list will surely help you cross out those that you already know and controls and to write down all the ones that you should have on your radar and get started with some other course.

The programming languages ​​you should know by 2024


On the podium of popularity, Python has earned its place thanks to its versatility and speed of development. Used in fields as diverse as artificial intelligence and web development, Python has always been above almost everyone in programming language rankings.

The reason behind its appeal? The ability to automate tasks and improve workflows. Python developers, known for being great problem solvers, They are in high demand by all types of companies, especially now in areas such as healthcare product development..


Since its birth in 1995, Java has always been at the forefront as a powerful language and a constant presence in the programming sector.

Widely used in web development, cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT) applications, and enterprise tools, Java offers a perfect all-in-one for many. Despite its years in the sector, it remains a key option for those looking for stability and versatility..


Already 28 years old, PHP has been the engine behind all types of websites and is still essential and very necessary when it comes to web development.

More than 77% of websites rely on PHP, and skills in this language remain in high demand in the job market.


C++ always remains on the podium as one of the most popular languages ​​thanks to its versatility and high capabilities and performance. Fundamental in the video game industry and in system-level programming, C++ developers are a necessity in a multitude of industries..


C# has established itself as a key language at Microsoft. Used in creating web applications, Windows desktop applications, and game development, C# is truly accessible to those with experience in classic languages ​​like Java.


With the support of Google, Kotlin has been slowly gaining ground as a popular language for both Android development and cross-platform applications.

Constantly growing since it was announced as the official language for Android development in 2017, it offers great opportunities for a multitude of fields.


JavaScript, thanks to its adaptability, continues to be one of the most requested programming languages. Essential for front-end web development, used on over 98% of all websites to create interactive content.

As you can see, yes, there are many programming languages, it is true, but each of them has their own characteristics, approaches and levels of complexity that make them more suitable for certain types of projects.

For example, languages ​​like Python and JavaScript are currently widely used in web development, while languages ​​like C++ and Java are famous and widely used in system or application software development. Knowing all or almost all of them will give you a key career advantage for 2024, so be prepared.

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