
The deletion of inactive Google accounts is about to begin

Google offers services, both for smartphones and for PCs and notebooks, which are fundamental for millions of users. And at the center of everything we find Google accounts, the profiles with which you can access all its apps and services.

Just regarding accounts, there are some relevant news coming soon. Let’s talk about the inactive account deletion process that Google has announced some weeks ago and what time is it materialize.

The deletion of Google accounts will in fact refer to all those accounts that for a certain time they were not used in any way. Google has illustrated that they will come considered inactive all accounts that have not been used and not logged in from at least two years.

Until now, it had never happened that Google proceeded with the permanent deletion of inactive accounts. These, at least until now, have been marked as archived. Now BigG changes gear and will proceed to permanent cancellation.

Before cancellation you will obviously receive some warning email. So that’s pretty much it impossible that an account you are using, or intend to use, is deleted.

The date chosen by Google to start deleting inactive accounts is December 1st. Prior to this date, if you had accounts that you intended to “to save“, you will have to provide log in. Between other activities which contribute to making a Google account active we also find the use of Drive, viewing a YouTube video, downloading an app from the Google Play Store, using Google search or using Google to access a third-party app or service.

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