
The golden rule for creating secure, unhackable passwords, according to experts

Maintaining security on the Internet is essential to safeguard your personal data and protect your identity in an increasingly connected world.

One of the first lines of defense to ensure your security is having a strong password, this is essential.

Some people still underestimate the importance of having a password that is difficult to hack.. They may think that their information is not valuable to cybercriminals or that they will not be the target of an attack.

However, this is a mistaken belief. Hackers look for all types of information, from banking details to information that can lead to the exposure of more sensitive data.

It is for this reason that it is essential that you take the protection of your data seriously, and what better than with a good password.

One of the questions that raises the most doubts is whether it is better to have a long or short password. The answer is not as simple as it seems, since length plays a fundamental role in your safety.

The longer it is, the more difficult it will be for hackers to decrypt it. But how much is enough? Security experts have spent time and effort answering this quite crucial question.

What is the ideal length for a strong password?

Password length is a determining factor for your security, according to security experts. A password of at least 12 characters is a good starting point, but the longer the better.

This is because short passwords can be easily cracked with methods such as brute force attack. Several reliable sources support this recommendation.

For example, the research scientist at Georgia Tech Research Institute In the United States, Joshua Davis says that eight-character passwords are insufficient and can be cracked in a matter of minutes.

Some developers of popular password manager apps, such as Bitwarden and 1Password, suggest that ideal passwords be between 14 and 16 characters or longer, between 11 and 15 characters for the average user.

On the other hand, NordPass and even Windows experts recommend a minimum of 12 characters and 16 as ideal. In addition to length, a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols is recommended to increase password complexity.

There are several methods to create a strong password. One option is to use a password manager. These programs generate random options that meet security requirements.

Another option is to create your own password. For it, You can use a phrase or sentence that is easy for you to remember, but difficult to guess.. For example, you could use the phrase “My dog ​​is white” and change some letters for numbers or symbols, and in the end it would look like this: “M1 p3rR0 35 bl4nc0”.

The protection of your personal information in the digital sphere is a matter of vital importance. One of the basic measures to achieve this is to create a password of at least 12 characters, but the longer the better, this is what experts recommend.

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