
The Google Chat icon is now more difficult to recognize

In the messaging landscape Google is present with its Chat, an app that has been brought increasingly to the fore in recent years. And precisely regarding Google Chat, further news arrives.

At the end of last November Google announced a gear change for Chat, exactly what arrived in the last few hours. The immediately visible novelty concerns the new icon of Google Chat.

As you can see from the images below, as well as from the image on the cover, the new Google Chat icon becomes fully consistent with those of all the other Google apps. In fact, we see an icon from the profile coherent with messages, colored with the characteristic Google colors.

We see a dominant green, which perhaps is intended to recall Google Hangouts, accompanied by blue, yellow and a hint of red. Furthermore, one can also be seen particular asymmetry in centering the icon inside its circular module, given that its center of gravity was determined also considering the small tail at the bottom left.

The new Chat icon is visually very similar to those of other Google apps, and this could contribute to confuse them, especially when little attention is paid to the exact icon, such as when we need to quickly open an app. Personally, it has happened to us several times to open Drive instead of Meet or the Home app. In addition to this, further news arrives.

In the web version of Google Chat has been optimized search through chatswith search results highlighted if they contain them even just part of the searched string. There are also dividing lines between search results, as well as the functionality for mute only a specific chat. In this case, notifications will arrive if you are mentioned in the muted chat.

The new features we have just seen are currently in the distribution phase on Google Chat. They have already arrived in our area, so it could be a matter of waiting a few days at most.

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