
The National Police warns: if you receive this email, delete it directly, it is a scam

Emails are one of the tools most used daily by many users, whether for work or personal purposes. That is why it is not surprising that criminals do not cease their efforts to also use them to carry out their scams and crimes.

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In some cases, the danger becomes so frequent that it is even the authorities themselves who warn citizens to be especially careful with them, such as This time it was done by the National Police itself through its official social networks.

The scam email that the National Police warns about

As much as new technologies are a blessing for many, thanks to all the opportunities they offer, they also have their dark side. Many cybercriminals They do not miss the opportunity to invent a new deception with which to deceive people. Generally, with the intention of obtaining your personal data, especially banking information.

Although there are all types of scams, the most common are those known as phishing, which are often the ones that worry experts the most. The way it works is usually similar in almost all cases: impersonating your bank or a well-known organization, be it the Post Office, the Civil Guard, a streaming platform, etc.

In this way, criminals ensure that they attract the attention of users, without giving up recreating fraudulent web pages that imitate even the smallest detail of the original ones that are official. In this case, It has even been the turn of the National Police itself, which has been the one who has raised the alarm.

This time the deception comes through an email that, in the name of the National Police (with its official logo and everything) notifies you that you are summoned to appear for a robbery. As things may seem strange to you, the message arrives accompanied by a link that, in reality, is the truly dangerous thing about it.

Delete the message directly, say the Police

No matter how true it looks, The National Police warns that it is a scam, and that is why it has decided to share an example of it through the social network (what used to be Twitter). In it you can read: “you have been summoned to appear before the Complaint Office on charges of aggravated robbery on 10/05/23 at 10:00 am.”

The advice from the National Police is very clear if you receive this email: delete it immediately. There is actually no “aggravated robbery charge” or “electronic summons app.” In fact, the last thing you should do is click on the link that supposedly leads to it.

It is not the first time that a scam of this type has occurred, and the National Police not only strives to report them, but usually recommends that when something similar is received, you inform the authorities to report it. In this sense, citizen collaboration is very important.

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