
The news doesn’t stop for the Google Messages app

Over the last few years Google has shown that it takes great care of its apps and services, especially those for Android devices. Among the most updated ones we find the app Google Messages.

Just a few days ago the app received some significant changes, with even a new name which now corresponds to Google Messages. And in addition to those of the past few days, there is also something new, this time for the graphical interface.

Google has in fact introduced a new bar for composition of the text of messages within the app. This is not a graphic revolution, but more of one new arrangement of the various options that are present in the bar.

As you can see from the images in gallerythe new bar provides a new left alignment, whereas previously it was just the opposite with the bar aligned to the right. Therefore, quick options to boot Magic Composethe functionality that allows you to insert automatically generated text based on the context of the chat, access the gallery to upload multimedia content and the button to add any new content, are now found on the rightinside the bar.

The options therefore essentially remain the same, except that they go from being positioned outside the bar, on the left, to being integrated within the text composition bar, aligned on the right. The button for start recording a voice instead it is now on the right, but outside the bar.

In short, it’s like Google had added a minus sign to the horizontal alignment of the options associated with composing a message within its Messages app. Certain, it’s not immediate imagine the text compose bar on the left while the sent messages continue to be positioned on the right of the chat.

In addition to these new features, the Messages app now shows two lines when composing the message, the lower one for the text being composed and the superior to indicate whether you are in an RCS chat or not.

The new features we have just seen are currently during automatic distribution only for a limited group of users.

We expect that they will then arrive for everyone on a global scale.


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