
The next Gmail update promises to put an end to one of users’ worst nightmares

The era of spam in Gmail could be coming to an end. This promise is cemented in Google’s latest update, which is shaping up to be a game-changer in the fight against spam.

Gmail is preparing for one of its most significant updates in terms of security. The new star of this improvement is RETVec (Resilient & Efficient Text Vectorizer), a system designed to effectively identify and block texts. spam emails and dangerous.

The improvement joins those already announced for 2024: a visible and accessible button to unsubscribe in mass emails, making it easier for users to maintain a more organized inbox.

RETVec’s innovation lies in its ability to combat adverse text manipulations. These tricks, used by spammers to evade traditional filters, include everything from the use of homoglyphs to the inclusion of invisible characters and keyword stuffing.

The tool faces these challenges with an efficiency never before seen on the platform. An improvement of 38% in spam detection, According to Google.

The efficiency of the new measure is also reflected in the reduction in the use of processing resources. It has managed to reduce the use of Google’s Tensor Processing Units (TPU) by 83%.

Furthermore, RETVec has ability to work with texts in multiple languages ​​and characters UTF-8. This multilingual feature ensures that spam protection is inclusive and effective globally, regardless of the user’s language.

Release date and implementation of the new Gmail anti-spam filter

Google has not specified an exact date for the release from RETVec in Gmail. However, implementation is expected to happen soon as RETVec has undergone extensive testing over the past year.

On the other hand, RETVec would be automatically implemented in Gmail. This means that users will not need to take any action to benefit from improvements in spam detection.

Gmail users, a priori, would not notice drastic changes to the user interface. However, there is a significant decrease in the amount of spam that arrives in your inbox.

Since RETVec is implemented at the server level, there should be no need to download or install any additional software. All RETVec related processes are handled internally by Gmail servers. Furthermore, this improvement in spam detection would be completely free.

So, the next Gmail update It is not only a promise of improvement; is a tangible solution to one of the oldest and most annoying problems for email users. The arrival of RETVec, Gmail is marking a before and after in email security.

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