
The Police warn of the latest viral scam: the disabled card

Cybercriminals’ main objective is to obtain users’ personal data to impersonate their identity in the future, or directly empty their bank account, especially through online banking applications, or by credit card.

Right now, there is a phishing campaign through which cybercriminals They are trying to obtain online banking access credentials or users’ credit or debit card details.

In fact, the National Police itself warns on its social networks as X, of a campaign of phishing in which they talk about our bank card having been disabled.

This is how the scam works

This occurs via an SMS message in which the bank informs you that your credit or debit card has been disabled due to the new security changes.

With this, the message urges the user to click on a link to reactivate it, and that is where the problem comes.

If the user trusts the message, and clicks on this link, they will be asked to provide a series of data, data that will end up on servers in the possession of cybercriminals.

Although the user believes that they have reactivated their card, what they have really done is provide this data to hackers, and with this they could begin to empty the user’s bank account.

If the user falls for this scam, what they should do quickly is block their credit card and ask the bank to send them a completely new one since the previous one has already been exposed to hackers.

The user must be aware of the data they have provided to cybercriminals in order to report them and, on the other hand, they must be very attentive in the coming months in case someone tries to impersonate them or observes strange movements in their bank statement.

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