
The reasons why the GPT Store is already giving something to talk about

Everything that has to do with artificial intelligence is in fashion. And talking about artificial intelligence is, without a doubt, talking about the popular ChatGPT.

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As much as AI is not something even remotely new, the OpenAI tool has not only managed to greatly improve its practicality for the general public, but also make them interested in it. That’s why, it is not strange that his last big projectthe GPT Store, is already giving a lot to talk about.

What is the GPT Store?

Application stores are, at the moment, the most common thing in the world. There are many companies that launch them to offer users different proposals, whether they are for their mobile devices, televisions, computers or whatever. It could be said that they are fully current.

Among the most popular are, of course, the Google Play Store, the App Store or the Microsoft Store. To all of them we must add another, which will surely also progressively awaken the interest of the public, or at least of those interested in artificial intelligence: the GPT Store. That is to say, a store created by those responsible for ChatGPT, the technology company OpenAi.

As already announced at the time, The GPT Store focuses on the community itself creating its different personalized versions of the bot without needing to be a computer expert. As with ChatGPT itself, it seeks to make it easy for ordinary people to understand and use, not just for computer scientists.

The so-called “GPTs”, which is how OpenAI has named the invention, have already shown what they are capable of, and it must be recognized that, although the GPT Store has not yet shown its full potential, they are already giving a lot to talk about.

The GPTs that attract the most attention

Although the GPT Store is still barely a reality, many of the GPTs that are already part of it demonstrate the potential they have when it comes to converting the popular artificial intelligence into something more personalizedthus adapting to the specific needs of each user.

It is the case of I’m Offended Bot, a GPT created to search for offenses hidden in seemingly innocent phrases. Although it is developed as a joke, it can foresee the way in which some find the cat’s mind depending on their opinions. More current in the times of social networks, impossible.

If, on the other hand, what you are looking for are bots focused on specific issues, such as weather or geopolitical analysis, they also already exist. alternatives such as Visual Weather Artist GPT, which gives a picturesque touch to current weather or Geopolitics GPT, which helps explain international relations as if it were an expert.

All of this clearly points in one direction: the fact that more than a universal artificial intelligence, more and more users are looking for their own, so to speak. To do so, however, it is necessary to be part of ChatGPT Plus.

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