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The serious mistake that everyone makes when inflating tires and that puts your safety at risk

Tire pressure is an essential but often overlooked element in terms of road safety. These components are essential for transferring the movement and braking capacity of the car to the ground, while adapting to the terrain conditions.

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For this reason, it is crucial to perform periodic checks to ensure that they maintain proper pressure and do not exhibit wear or damage. Ignoring these aspects could endanger not only your own safety, but also that of the occupants. Don’t underestimate the importance of taking proper care of your tires for a safe and smooth trip.

The common mistake when inflating tires


A widespread belief that causes tires to be overinflated is that the sound heard when removing the rubber indicates that air is being lost.

But this is not true, since many times That sound only corresponds to the air coming out of the rubber and not the valve..

To avoid this error, it is recommended to use a pressure gauge Reliable when inflating car wheels. It is important to choose the right one, because some can give erroneous readings and make you think that the tire has the correct pressure when in fact it is overinflated.

This habit can have different reasons. One of them is the deceptive sound we mentioned before, which can be confused with air coming out of the tire.

This misunderstanding can cause excessive pressure, since the tire only loses air through the valve.

Why you shouldn’t put more pressure on your tires

Inflate car wheels, compressor, inflator

Overinflating tires is a common and understandable mistake, especially when the air gauge seems to be misleading. It carries significant risks, and premature wear and tear tops the list. Your tires will suffer uneven wearwith the center taking the brunt.

Furthermore, loss of traction becomes a latent threat. Under normal driving conditions, the chance of losing traction, making unwanted turns, or worse yet, finding yourself in the middle of an accident increases.

This threat is intensified in winter conditions, where loss of grip can have serious consequences. The solution to this dilemma is simple and safe: follow the recommendations of your car manufacturer.

The optimal PSI is not arbitrary; It is established by considering crucial factors such as wear, driving comfort, fuel efficiency and most importantly, road safety. Ignoring these recommendations can result in unnecessary risks.

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