
The typical Christmas elements that spoil your WiFi connection

We are already very close to Christmas arriving, and yet, there are already many people who have rushed to put up the typical Christmas lights and the Christmas tree.

But an action as innocent as Christmas decorations, such as fairy lights, tinsel or even the Christmas tree itself, can end up affecting the speed of your Internet.

Now a new report from Uswitch claims that those festive elements can end up making our WiFi slower than usual.

“It’s good to be aware of the impact that a piece of tinsel or fairy lights can have on broadband. No matter how pretty the lights and tinsel are, they could slow down the connection speed,” they comment.

“You should keep them, along with other electronic devices such as lamps, speakers, televisions, and monitors, as far away from the router as possible,” they explain.

You don’t need to remove all those Christmas decorations, but for example, don’t even think about putting the Christmas tree next to the router or covering the router with any Christmas items because that will affect the Internet connection.

However, it’s not just these festive items that can ruin your connection. Wifi during the holidays, but also other devices in the home.

For example, they recommend that furniture of a certain size never be placed right in front of the router since it could block the WiFi signal and thus reduce broadband speed.

So if you don’t want to get an unpleasant surprise with your Internet speed, try to ensure that the router is not surrounded by Christmas motifs.

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