
The Windows nightmare is coming to Linux

The world of operating systems has always been full of alternatives, some of which have consolidated over the years, with an increasingly large-scale diffusion. And among these we certainly find Linux.

As many will know, Linux has many variations for many contexts of use, known as distros (we have already talked about the best Linux distros). But there is something new on the horizon that could be of significant concern transversal all major Linux distros.

The new thing that is coming would consist of what has been the case for years the nightmare of many millions Windows users. Let’s talk about Blue Screen of Death, known as BSOD. This is the blue screen error that appears on Windows when the system fails to start correctly.

This is a screen that denotes system errors that could be very seriousto the point of preventing the operating system from starting correctly permanently, with the consequent inability to use the device.

The same BSOD is reportedly coming to Linux.

In fact, according to what was reported by Phoronix, Linux would come with one systemd-bsod installed, with which it should in fact be possible to show the BSOD in the event of critical errors during PC startup. At the moment this is a feature that is still in phase of optimization.

This should arrive on main Linux distrossuch as Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian and Red Hat. This BSOD for Linux should also include a QR code with which it will be possible to access further information regarding the error code shown on the same screen.

In any case, its public debut should not take place before 2024, now upon us. We will return to update you as soon as we know more about his release.

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