
These are the requirements and conditions that you must meet to travel for free on public transport in 2024

Starting January 1, 2024Spain will experience a transformation in its public transportation system. This measure will allow the free access to millions of citizens, establishing a new paradigm in urban and national mobility. Let’s see in detail the requirements and conditions to enjoy this initiative.

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The free public transport will focus on three main groups: young people, unemployed and minors. The measure seeks to especially support these sectors, facilitating their mobility and contributing to social and economic inclusion.

This program not only aims to alleviate the economic burden on individuals, but also encourage greater environmental sustainability. Reduce dependence on private transportation and promote the use of more ecological means of transport are some of the central objectives of this policy.

The introduction of free public transport in 2024 represents a significant change in transport policy in Spain. In the capital, in addition, discounts and free electric bicycle services such as BiciMad have already been promoted.

Who can benefit from free public transportation

  • Those under 18 years of age. All minors They will have free and free access to public transportation.
  • Young, Although the exact age is yet to be defined, the limit is expected to be up to 30 years.
  • Unemployed people They will also benefit from this measure, providing an essential resource to improve their mobility in the search for employment.

This measure follows a series of initiatives implemented in 2023, including discounts on different modes of transport and free passes for frequent trips. This initiative is expected to facilitate not only mobility, but also boost the local economy.

Furthermore, some autonomous communities such as Madrid, which had already reduced the price of the transport pass by up to 60% between regional and state discountsthe discount will continue to apply for those who cannot benefit from the free transport pass.

The price list in the Community of Madrid would look like this:

  • Zone A: 21.80 euros
  • Zone B1: 25.40 euros.
  • Zone B2: 28.80 euros.
  • Zone B3-C1-C2: 32.80 euros.
  • Zone E1: 44.20 euros
  • Zone E2: 52.70 euros
  • Youth pass for all areas: 8 euros.
  • Seniors: 0 euros with discount.
  • Bonus 10 Multi zone A: 6.10 euros.
  • Single: 1.50 euros.

This initiative promises to be a step forward towards a greener and more connected future, generating positive expectations among the population and marking a milestone in history of public transportation in the country, free for millions of people.

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