
They watch 1,000 TikTok videos in a row, come out alive and discover as many ads as on DTT channels

How much advertising does TikTok have? Business Insider has decided to quantify it, and as we assumed, it is a lot. Up to 36% of the videos we see are advertisingor contain some type of advertising message.

Advertising on TikTok has increased significantly in recent months, since the premiere of the TikTok store. The tiktokers They receive money if they post links to products from the Tiktok store, and someone clicks on them.

So videos with links have increased, or videos of influencers who review and praise products from the TikTok store, so that you can buy them through their links.

They measure the advertising that TikTok has

Two young journalists from Generation Z, who work for Business Insiderthey decided watch 500 TikTok videos in a row eachand count the ads that appeared.

Even at the cost of putting their mental health at risk (although something tells us that many people watch more than 500 TikTok videos a day), they completed the job, and the results are quite shocking.

Hannah Getahun discovered that 36% of the videos he watched were advertising. Either they were full ads, or they contained advertising links, or they recommended products:

As we see, 36% in advertising is broken down into several types. 16.8% are traditional advertisements. Then there are videos that are product reviews for you to purchase with their links, affiliate content, sponsored content, or videos that promote their own store or products.

Sebastian Cahill’s figures were somewhat lower, but also very significant: 28.2% of the videos that appeared on his page were advertising videos.

These percentages are the same as those used by the free DTT television channels.where advertising time reaches 28%.

TikTok has increased advertising, and is going to do so even more this Black Friday and Christmas, simply because they sell. According to data from the platform itself, 37% of people who see ads end up buying something.

TikTok argues that Thanks to advertising and your store, thousands of small businesses can survive. He is right: more than 200,000 small businesses sell their products on TikTok.

But at the same time, in addition to the waste of time that 36% of the videos on TikTok are advertising, many argue that They promote over-consumerism, and the throwaway culture that is generating millions of tons of waste.

Visiones 1,000 consecutive TikTok videos has been worth it: We now know that a third of TikTok usage time is ads or covert advertising. It is one of the reasons why the time of use of the platform continues to increase.

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