
This 600W solar battery is powerful and for its price it is better to have it at home

Although in countries like Spain the electrical grid is quite solid and there are few blackouts, in some rural areas there are certain problems at times of high demand, more than enough reason to always have some type of backup, so can happen.

Furthermore, if you like camping, it is also necessary to have a generator that can at least charge your cell phone, laptop, and power small appliances like a coffee maker. In that case, there is good news because Both AliExpress and Amazon have discounted a portable battery that can be charged with a solar panel.

In the case of AliExpress the price is just over 200 euros and includes the solar panel, a good price, since on Amazon it costs more or less the same but without the panel.

Allpowers R600

This portable solar-charged battery is perfect for camping and camping, but also to have as a backup in case of blackouts.
  • amazon
  • AliExpress

It is a very, very competitive price, especially because It has an output power of 600W to various devices, 400W maximum in its socketsmore than enough to charge relatively high consumption devices such as a computer.

Of course, it is not like a classic generator that uses fuel, it is not even close, since the power it is capable of generating is very far away. It is not capable, for example, of turning on a washing machine or a refrigerator, but it can charge up to six devices simultaneously.

It has several conventional plugs and also USB. It should be noted that, although you can charge this battery with solar energy if you connect a panel to it, whether sold by AliExpress or another compatible one, You can if you want simply connect it to another outlet. It is still a Power Bank with a lot of capacity and much more power output. on Telegram on Telegram

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If you lean towards the solar option, according to the manufacturer you can fully charge the battery capacity in just one hour, which is not bad either.

Of course, as is usual in these two stores that we mention, shipping is free, although only in the case of Amazon it is from Spain. It is the fault that can be put against AliExpress, which sells more and more products in its warehouses in our country, but not this solar generator.

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