
This device, now on sale, detects sleep apnea and checks how well you sleep

We spend a third of our lives sleeping and, curiously, it is the part to which we pay the least attention despite the fact that depending on the quality of those 8 hours of sleep, we will live better or worse for the remaining 16 hours of the day.

We already know that if you don’t get a good night’s sleep you won’t perform well during the day, you’ll accumulate more fat, you’ll be more stressed and you’ll live less. We could talk at length about it, but we all know that sleeping poorly is very bad.

In addition to leaving screens and going to sleep earlier, it doesn’t hurt to monitor how you sleep and whether there may be any extra conditions to take into account, such as sleep apnea. Now, with this simple pad that goes under the mattress, you can find out everything without wearing anything and for only 130 euros with the 13% discount on Amazon.

Withings Sleep Analyzer

The Withings Sleep Analyzer does not require you to wear it and is even more effective and accurate than watches and bracelets that require it to be worn on the wrist. It is so thin that it sits between the bed base and the mattress and is not noticeable at all while sleeping.

Record your breathing, heart rate and movement with a pneumatic pressure sensor, and your snoring and sleep apnea with a microphone. When you wake up, sync data over Wi-Fi with your Withings account and the Health Mate app.

It doesn’t sit on the bed and you can barely see it, since only a thin USB cable sticks out from under the mattress to the nearest charger. Tracking all metrics of interest is completely automatic, so all you have to do is get into bed and sleep.

As with almost all sleep analysis devices, the Withings Sleep Analyzer shows you a colorful graph that shows the periods of wakefulness, light sleep, deep sleep and REM phase throughout the entire time you have been in bed. It then gives you a score from 0 to 10 so you know how restful your night was.

However, the “killer feature” of this pad is that it is capable of detecting sleep apnea, and it is a clinically tested device that is approved throughout the European Union.

For many, this may occur occasionally during the night, but for some it can happen up to 20 times an hour, which does not at all favor the repair and renewal function of the thousands of processes that our body needs to maintain and carry out. on Telegram

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Additionally, many may be completely unaware that what is happening to them, and with this device you can later seek medical attention.

If you are concerned about your sleep or simply want to monitor and optimize it to direct your lifestyle and schedule towards optimal health, this Withings Sleep Analyzer mat is the best thing you can have. Now, on Amazon, reduced to 130 euros.

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