
This is how Gemini improves on ChatGPT

Artificial intelligence, with all its possibilities, has greatly transformed the world of technology. And, as it could not be otherwise, the main technology companies are pressing their weapons to take the throne of the most sophisticated and useful tools for common users. The last to show its alternative has been, precisely, the almighty Google.

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After showing the world what Gemini, Google’s AI, will be like, many people have wondered What will be its main differences with respect to its current great competitor: ChatPGT. Here we tell you about them, taking into account what is known to date.

Gemini, Google’s new artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence has been used for years, but it has only been in recent times that it has really reached people, in a direct and everyday way. Thanks, in large part, to the popularity of ChatGPT, a voice assistant that is easy to use and practical in presentation. Now Google intends to compete with this tool with its own alternative: Gemini.

Your cover letters are clear and, although in many respects Gemini will look like ChatGPT, the truth is that it will also present some differences. According to Google itself, it will be the most sophisticated AI that has ever been put at the service of people, which has generated expectations, but also some questions, as always happens with this controversial topic.

For example, It is known that Gemini will answer any question (a bit like ChatGPT also does), generate text, translate languages ​​and be able to create creative texts. Also that it has been created by DeepMind, a subsidiary of Google itself, and that this new language model is designed to acquire new capabilities to focus on problem solving.

So far, nothing that we have not seen, in a more or less elaborate way, thanks to the work of OpenAI, the company responsible for ChatGPT. So, in a concrete sense, what will Gemini have new with respect to ChatGPT?

Gemini, an AI with the strength of Google

Taking into account the information that Google has shared, Gemini will not only generate text, but also images and code. In addition, it will offer a large number of different styles, to which can be adapted according to user preference. That is, it will be highly customizable.

But if Gemini has anything going for it, even compared to ChatGPT, it will be Google itself. Or what is the same, the enormous amount of data and information that the technology giant has at its disposal.

Seen this way, the content that this artificial intelligence will nourish seems practically incomprehensible. Not to mention that, in theory, It will be compatible with services such as Gmail or Google Maps. Compatibility, therefore, will be equally key.

This, however, also raises other questions. How will Gemini select the information it puts at the service of users? What filters will you use to respect their privacy? And more importantly, how, if at all, will you distinguish authentic information from false information? A problem that ChatGPT has already had to face.

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