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This is the new WhatsApp function to share music in a video call

WhatsApp doesn’t stop. In recent months, Meta has provided all types of content to its popular instant messaging application. And while a great revolution is expected with the arrival of its own artificial intelligence, additions continue to arrive that will make the lives of users easier in many ways.

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The last one to be announced has been the WhatsApp function to share music in a video call. A plus that will add possibilities to all types of presentations.

The new WhatsApp addition

Little by little, Meta is incorporating functions into WhatsApp. Some of them may not be too spectacular on paper, but once they are put into practice, you may even wonder how you ever did without them to date. This is what Meta intends with the possibility of sharing music in a video call.

Basically, This can be done through YouTube and also through different social media content.. Have you ever been on a video call and felt like sharing a song or some type of music with your contacts? Well, soon it will be possible without having to leave the communication to do so, as was mandatory until now.

From what is known so far, the idea of ​​​​the creators of WhatsApp is for this new function to be enabled automatically. That is Users will not have to do anything specific to add it to the normal operation of the appbut will arrive with one of the next WhatsApp updates.

The addition will simply be launched when the action is carried out through the following message: “when you share the screen, the sound played on your device will be shared with the people on your call.”

When can music be shared in a WhatsApp video call?

Although it is already known that WhatsApp will incorporate the possibility of sharing music in a video call sooner rather than later, There is still no exact date when this feature will be available to all users.. As usually happens when an announcement of this type is announced, its arrival will be progressive, and it will take some time before it is active.

Apparently, at the moment Meta is developing this addition to its popular application, so the most likely thing would be to wait at least until the first months of 2024 so that you can have it on your phone.

There has not even been talk yet that some users have been able to put it into practice through the WhatsApp beta, as has happened, for example, with its imminent artificial intelligence.

What is known is that the option to share music in a WhatsApp video call will be a simple action to perform and the most intuitive. In fact, if there is one thing that has characterized WhatsApp so far, it has been its comfortable interface, acceptable to any type of user. And you know what they say in these cases: if something works, it’s better not to change it.

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