
This is the time you should wait before starting the journey after starting the engine to avoid damaging it.

One way to take care of your car’s engine is to let it warm up a little before starting the drive, especially on days with low temperatures.

Thus, the engine fluids are activated and better distributed throughout the system, which favors the performance and durability of the car.

It should be noted that the engine is the heart of the vehicle and needs regular inspection to avoid breakdowns and problems. But in addition to good maintenance, your driving style also influences its condition.

Therefore, it is not advisable to start the car and drive off at full speed, as this can cause wear and tear on the internal parts of the engine.

It is best to let the car stabilize at idle for a few minutes before driving off. This way, you can avoid damage and drive more safely and efficiently on the road.

How long do you have to wait when starting the car before driving off?

According to AutoBild Spain, when you start the car, it is advisable to let it idle for at least a minute. In this way, the engine oil is distributed throughout all components and lubricates them properly.

In addition, the engine temperature is gradually raised and possible damage is avoided. This is valid for both gasoline and diesel cars, although in the latter the increase in revolutions is not noticeable when starting from cold.

This is because when the engine is cold, the metal parts are harder and do not have enough oil to move smoothly. If you accelerate quickly, you can cause friction that will wear out the engine. and deteriorate over time.

Instead, If you let the engine warm up for at least 60 seconds, optimal lubrication is achieved which prevents friction and wear, and extends the life of the car. Also, do not use the air conditioning or defroster until the engine has reached optimal temperature, as these consume more fuel and reduce overall performance.

On the other hand, if you are going to make short trips, it is advisable not to turn off the engine immediately after arriving at your destination, but rather let it cool for a few minutes to avoid premature wear.

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