
This is why you shouldn’t turn off your WiFi router at night

Nowadays it is difficult to find a home that does not have an Internet connection. That’s why it’s not strange that every so often the same question arises: Is it advisable to turn off the router at night? Depending on who you ask, the answer may be affirmative or negative, when in reality the most accurate thing would be to talk about each specific case.

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There are certain circumstances, however, in which it is advisable, if not essential, to keep it on always. We tell you all the details you should know about it.

The reason why you should not turn off your WiFi router at night


Putting it in perspective, there is no single reason why you should not turn off your router at night, but there is one that carries more weight than the others: have devices constantly connected.

This situation, which was not so common just a few years ago, has become more frequent in many homes, which are increasingly betting on what is known as “smart homes.”

We are talking, indeed, about home automation. If you have devices that require constant Internet access, such as security cameras or monitoring systems, turning off the router could interfere with its operation. Leaving the router on ensures uninterrupted connectivity for these devices and is therefore the most logical option.

But it’s not the only motive. For example, today it is much more common to telework and, in many cases, some tasks do not stop throughout the night. This is when disconnecting the WiFi router even at dawn can affect all those who work with flexible schedules or have updates and tasks scheduled during those hours.

Finally, we must also keep in mind that routers often perform updates firmware and maintenance tasks automatically overnight. Turning off the router could interrupt these processes, potentially affecting network performance and security.

When is it advisable to turn off the WiFi router at night?

On the opposite side, there are also arguments why it doesn’t hurt to turn off the router at night, at least occasionally. It is often said that doing it from time to time improves its performance, and to tell the truth it is not a hoax, as many users attest.

Restart the router can free up memory and resolve possible connection problemsthus improving the stability and speed of the network.

Additionally, turning off the router at night can help save energy. While modern routers are more efficient in terms of energy consumption, unplugging them when not in use can be an eco-friendly practice and a way to reduce your electricity bill.

It’s not something that your pocket will notice too much either, things as they are, but in the end everything ends up adding up a little.

Therefore, the most reasonable thing could be to conclude that, in effect, There are reasons why you should not turn off your router at night, but that depends almost entirely on the use that each person gives to their Internet connection. Weigh the different pros and cons, and decide what is best for you.

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