
Threads already has a landing date in Europe and there are only a few hours left

Few social networks had previously aroused as much expectation and curiosity as Meta’s Threads, an application that draws directly from X, the old Twitter, and which until now was not available to users in the European Union.

But finally, although there is no official announcement yet, users in the European Union will be able to download, register and use Threads next December 14th from 12:00 in the morningso if you want to find a good pseudonym for the account, you should be one of the first to register.

Since the launch of Threads Last July in places like the United States and the United Kingdom, many users in the European Union wondered if this Meta application was definitely going to be available to them.

But if you access the Threads website from any of the European Union countries, a counter will appear with the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds until the launch of this social network in your territory.

On the other hand, if you search for the term “ticket” or the term “ticket” within the Instagram application, you will receive a direct access to download Threads if you are in these countries of the European Union, although in our case the date of its original launch in the United States appears on the invitation ticket.

The reason for the delay of Threads in the European Union has to do with the Digital Markets Law (DMA), since this legislation imposes strict rules regarding user consent and data protection.

It is not clear what changes Meta has made to Threads so that it can be launched in the European Union within hours, but what really matters to users is to start using this new social network as soon as possible.

The departure of Threads in the European Union will allow the social network to have a new boost in registrations and active accounts, with the hope that it can end up taking off as it did during its first days of availability

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