
Threads in Italy: the anti-Twitter app of Instagram and Meta is available

Threads, the anti-Twitter wanted by Instagram, is finally here also available in Italy. Launched last July in the USA, the app targets Elon Musk’s social network, which in the meantime already has enough problems of its own, without the need for other competition. It took a few months to get it officially working in Europe due to the laws in force in our continent, but the wait is finally over.

But what is Threads? In short we could define it as a sort of corollary of Instagram: in the latter we speak through images (and videos), while in the former we tweet, that is, we wanted to say, yes they write short messages. You can do it from the web, via the official website, or from your phone via the app, available for Android and iOS.

If you have an Instagram account, you are basically already on Threads and can immediately start posting. In fact, the two are so close that, initially, deleting the Threads account also deleted the Instagram account; a limitation, fortunately, now removed.

You can also use Threads too without creating a relevant profile: in that case it is possible to view all the content on the platform, search for accounts, share and report content on Threads, but it is not possible to create new posts or comment on other people’s posts. It’s basically a modality read only.

The posts are editable even after sending (a function that is paid for on voice messages. Obviously there are also the hashtagwhich are particularly powerful, because they can also be associated with entire sentences (including spaces and special characters), but with the limit of only one per post.

In short, Threads yet another social network which however arrives at the right time, and which has already attracted millions of users. We’ll see if and how much today’s launch in Europe will flesh it out further, but in the meantime remember that we are already thereand you can also follow the main news that we publish on there!


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