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TikTok does not look for commercials: do not fall for this new WhatsApp scam

Working on a social network could be the dream of some, especially one as successful as TikTok. And that may be why scammers have concentrated their efforts to deceive people on this platform. Actually, it’s not the first time they’ve done it.

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Tools like Instagram or Facebook are usually among their objectives, but this time it is not a conventional message or a hoax that arrives through an SMS, but rather a job offer. Keep in mind that TikTok is not looking for commercials: this is a new WhatsApp scam.

The new WhatsApp scam to work on TikTok

Taking into account that more than 16 million people use TikTok in Spain alone, and that WhatsApp has a whopping 33 million active users in our country at this time, it is logical that some cyber threats focus precisely on these two social networks.

As the Mossos d’Esquadra themselves have warned through their offers users to be part of the TikTok workforce.

The ad gives you the option to become a “TikTok online business partner from VIP1 to VIP3” and claims that the social network is looking for “7,000 part-time employees.” Furthermore, he adds that It is “a very simple job with no time limit”. If you are a TikTok user it may seem pretty… too much to be true.

In theory, the attractive offer that would be carried out through teleworking, comes through a WhatsApp message, to which the Mossos d’Esquadra themselves suggest how to act. First, delete the conversion, and then block the phone number from which it came to you.

A clear example of phishing

The hook of the message does not end there, but also tempts victims with a financial reward. Those who accept the job, he says, will receive “40 euros a day and an immediate income of 5 euros.” Then, invite users to enter a link to sign up for the offer. Of course, that’s where the danger is.

In reality, this is a clear case of textbook phishing. That is, the typical scam carried out by some cybercriminals using a well-known name (in this case TikTok) to arouse people’s interest. Something similar to what happens with deceptions carried out by the Post Office, the DGT or even Social Security.

The purpose of these scams is usually always the same: collect information, either from your bank account (to be able to steal from you, basically, and operate in your name) or personal data which they can then use in many different ways, for example to impersonate your personality.

Learning to avoid this type of scam is essential, since there are more similar ones every day and, given what we have seen, it does not seem that they are going to disappear overnight.

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