
Tinder is updated with new features that help you “break the ice”

New technologies have brought with them other ways of meeting people and flirting, which are increasingly replacing conventional methods, such as going to a club or waiting for a friend to introduce you to someone. But even so, apps intended for these purposes are forced, from time to time, to adapt to the times.

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To the times and priorities of the users, who also vary their preferences when interacting with others. The popular dating app Tinder has taken action on the matter, and has decided to “modernize” with a series of functionswith which it seeks to break the ice between users.

This is what’s new on Tinder

Although there are quite a few alternatives on the market, some of them relatively popular as well, Tinder continues to be the most successful app for meeting people and flirting in many places like Spain. A lot of couples have met and continue to meet every day thanks to her, even through friends.

But that does not mean that, even so, there are still some prejudices when looking for romance over the Internet. The platform itself is fully aware of this, and that is why it has decided to renew itself slightly with its latest news.

For a start, betting on a dark mode that, as its name suggests, will allow greater discretion. That is, it will be less noticeable that you are using the tool while you do it.

On the other hand, Tinder also considers that it should go one step further when trying to form couples, and that they should not be attracted solely by their physical appearance; Come on, just take a look at the profile photo you have. Instead, from now on their interest lies in the personality of the users becoming more relevant.

His intention is clear: reach an audience (the so-called generation Z) that prioritizes the way others are over their physical appearance. Or that at least gives greater importance to the general compatibility between two people. According to Tinder itself, many young people believe that the rules of flirting, so to speak, have changed. And it has decided to transform itself, in a certain way.

Tinder wants to help you break the ice

Although in the beginning Tinder basically consisted of seeing photos of its users to feel a crush, it seems that this philosophy has become a bit obsolete for those who seek to meet people on the Internet, also with erotic or romantic intentions.

The application now aims to give greater visibility to labels that offer personalized information about each user. Details that, in one way or another, allow through certain fragments to get a better idea of ​​what the person with whom there is the possibility of contact is like.

To do this, another of its main novelties will consist of the option to answer simple profile questions in order to do some matchmaking and help break the ice between the candidates to establish a relationship. And security will also be enhanced, facilitating complaints and bans.

Depending on the answers obtained, there will be more possibilities of finding the right person.

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