
Toxic relationships in the age of TikTok: gaslighting, grooming or cricketing

It is clear that TikTok and other social networks allow many people to entertain themselves, share experiences and communicate.

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But new technologies have also brought with them some problems that, increasingly, seem to alert mental health professionals. Terms such as gaslighting, grooming or cricketing are becoming increasingly important in everything that surrounds the Internet.

What are these types of toxic relationships and how do they affect a world increasingly invaded by social networks like TikTok? Learning to know them is the first step to being able to live away from them.

Toxic relationships on TikTok and social networks

Social networks can be a breeding ground for all kinds of emotional manipulations, what is conventionally known as toxic relationships, which have recently reached a new dimension.

A good example of this is gaslighting. Or what is the same, the intention of some people to make another doubt their own perception and reality. A way of undermining the trust traditionally associated with relationships, which now has its particular reflection on the Internet.

Something similar to what happens with grooming, a behavior in which an attempt is made to build a relationship of connection and emotional dependency, in this case through online interactions.

There are times when seemingly innocent TikTok videos, or other similar posts, hide behind an effort to exploit the weakness of others, especially the most vulnerable people, such as youths.

If, for example, in real life some actions are well known, such as abandoning someone without showing any signs of life again (the typical story of going out to buy tobacco and not returning), the same thing happens on the Internet.

These specific cases are known as ghostling, and come as a result of blocking or ignoring someone with whom you had a deep bond. Despite its virtual nature, it can greatly affect some users.

Cricketing, or the dangers of silence on social networks

But if there is currently a fashionable term on social networks like TikTok, it is undoubtedly cricketing. Basically, it is the act of ignoring someone completely, and In places like TikTok it is applied by ignoring someone in comments or messages, thus causing the victim to experience public rejection.

This form of emotional abuse can have detrimental effects on the affected person’s self-esteem and mental health, sometimes even without them realizing it.

Avoiding toxic relationships such as gaslighting, grooming or cricketing is essential for the mental health well-being of many users. For this not only It is advisable to know the risks that exist on social networks like TikTok, but also to look for “healthy” communities and safe online environments.. For this reason, setting limits in virtual relationships becomes essential.

This dark side of social networks or TikTok videos, unfortunately exists, and is a very real part of the way in which some users interact with different digital platforms. Knowing how to “disconnect”, even occasionally, is also key to facing them safely.

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